Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Lesson 15: Plantain


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Show 26: Medicinal Flowers


Listen to "Medicinal Flowers" on Spreaker.

Many of the flowers grown ornamentally have medicinal uses - some are very important herbs.  Your herb garden can be ornamental, and you ornamental flowers can be medicinal!

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Lesson 14: Bugle

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Show 25: Herbs for Pain Part 2


Listen to "Show 25: Herbs for Pain Part 2" on Spreaker.

In this episode, we continue our discussion on herbs to help with pain. Discussed are:
Spasmodic muscle pain – Skullcap, Viburnum/cramp bark, valerian, linden, ferns
Muscle and joint inflammation – turmeric with pepper, cod liver oil, linden, astringents, ferns, jeffersonia/twin leaf
Varicose veins – horse chestnut/buckeye
Digestive – cramping: chamomile, mallow, clove, calamus, fleabane.  Gas: fennel, caraway, mint
Menstrual cramps – viburnum, skullcap, valerian, black cohosh
Organ pain often referred.  Don’t ignore – heart attack or appendicitis
Nerve pain – St. John’s wort, cayenne
Specific herbs:
-Jamaican dogwood
-Wild lettuce
-CA poppy
-Prickly poppy

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Lesson 13: Dogwood

 Lesson 13: Dogwood

The medicinal uses of dogwood. Dogwood is a simple, but useful herb.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Show 24: Herbs for Pain, Part 1


Listen to "Show 24: Herbs for Pain, Part 1" on Spreaker.

In part 1 of this episode, I discuss the nature and types of pain, herbs to replace NSAIDs, herbs for migraines, tension headaches and sinus headaches, stiff neck, sore lungs, eyes, ears sinuses and throat, skin inflammation, bruises and sprains, muscle strains and soreness, and spasmodic muscle pain.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Lesson 12: Violet


Sunday, April 4, 2021

Show 23: Reflections on the Herbal Entrepreneur Summit and Folk Medicine


Listen to "Show 23: Reflections on the Herbal Entrepreneur Summit and Folk Medicine" on Spreaker.

In this episode, I discuss the recent Herbal Entrepreneur Summit, discuss folk medicine and how regulations for barriers to entry, preventing people from living their dreams.... how to not let that happen... and my dream of having my own medicine show!

Medicinal Ferns and Fern Allies: Polypodium glycyrrhiza, Licorice Fern, Polypodium lineare and Polypodium polypodioides, Resurection Fern

  Polypodium glycyrrhiza, Licorice Fern Plants for A Future states: Liquorice fern was employed medicinally by several native North Ame...