Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Class Notes from Lesson 11-4 Constitutional

 Lesson 11-4: Patient 7

Patient gets recurrent rash right armpit and breast. MM says this would be due to lymph.


Patient 7       Lesson #11

Constitution Intake Notes

Bacterial Vaginosis is stable, some itching but not a lot.  Stress on the cervix is different than that of candida.

Burdock tincture- skin eruptions and irritability, hot blood, raised skin things are indications for use.

Monarda, topically, as tea when the rash comes out in the small lymph nodes on right side armpit.

Comfrey, to help cartilage.

Hyssop tincture- diminishes bruises and heals bruises.  Add supplements of flavonoids, purple berries.

Centella, to strengthen the capillaries.

Astragalus tincture, long term immune stimulant, could use Baptisia  as well.

Yerba Santa, juniper leaves or berries, for vaginosis.

Malvaceae or demulcents will sooth and help maintain membranes, Althea to help UTI from irritation.

Nettles to calm down the skin as a tea.  Quiet the heat.  Not a great anti-inflammatory, but simple and everyday green drink.

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course


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