Saturday, September 19, 2020

Class Notes from Lesson 8-6 Constitutional

Lesson 8-6: Lymph and Immunity

This one is two hours long, with several cuts and break... MM talks fast and mumbles a lot.... not a fun one.

Long review of how lymph works with circulatory, cardiac, pulmonary and digestion of fats. Lymph filters blood, processes toxins and is the major part of the immune system.

Innate immunity is what we are born with.

Acquired immunity is learned. Lymph cells learn with each exposure to a new virus or bacteria - germs. Macrophages work with Lymphocytes to identify and destroy germs. When a germ is identified, the blood cells are flooded with antigens/immunoglobulins to destroy that specific germ. If it is a new germ, it takes longer for the body to learn how to combat it.

Sometimes, the immune system gets confused and attacks healthy cells - autoimmune disorders. Basically, it identifies tissue in the state of repair as tissue being attacked by a virus.

Deficiency symptoms are identified by chronic moderate immune deficiency. Low recuperation, slow healing of injuries and bruises, frequent low level infections and high stress tissues. Cold and flu symptoms that come and go for months or more. Skin, lungs and gut are usually most effected. Skin is usually infections and rashes. Chronic infections like sinus or candida that never go away. Slow viruses. Chronic fungal sinus infections. Chronic local focal infection. Emotional stress. Depression. Adrenaline stress aggravates. Eczema, dermatitis, asthma, hay fever, arthritis, rheumatism, digests fats poorly. Sick a lot.

White blood cells are plentiful and use almost as much energy as the brain. Constant immune reaction is exhausting. Over-excited innate immunity and distract acquired immunity - makes it distracted. Immunity tires, runs out of nutrients. Emotional depression is associated.

New, increasing allergies are sign of deficient immunity.

Herbs used for deficiency.... ugh... at least someone distracted him from going on a rant about Christian Republicans! Though, we did get a long, rambling basketball story. When he finally gets to the herbs, he's in his talk fast and slur the Latin names mode. I'm going to the .pdfs... this is ridiculous!!!!!!! I'll annotate in parenthesis.


From the heart to the smallest capillary, the cardiovascular system is lined with endothelial cells that maintain a strong charge that repels blood proteins and corpuscles towards the center of the blood. This allows (in the capillaries) the serum to separate and flow out through the crypts between the capillary cells and into the interstitial fluid (actually a starch hydrogel). Most of this fluid is PAGE 20 reabsorbed back into the capillaries as they leave the tissue and drain into the venous blood. The old physiology axiom still holds that blood feeds the lymph and lymph feeds the cells. Some of the exiting serum, carrying disorganized junk too large to fit back into the blood vessels, drains into open-ended lymph capillaries. These in turn join to form lymph vessels (complete with valves). This is the back-alley garbage collecting system of the circulatory system. As the lymph vessels move into the center of the body, the lymph passes through nodes where the junk is digested and sorted through to check for bacteria, toxins, and known antigens. In the small intestines, lymph capillaries absorb dietary fat that has been organized by the intestinal wall, carrying it completely out of the bloodstream for slower and less disruptive metabolism. The lymph drains into a large vessel, the thoracic duct, which, after many hours of perusal and cleansing, finally drains the lymph back into the venous blood where it belongs. The immune responses occur variously in in the lymph, the blood, and the tissues. These can be separated into two categories: innate and acquired immunity. Innate immunity is nonspecific and genetically programmed, and consists of reactions that induce inflammation, phagocytosis (WBC digestion of waste) and some chemical responses. This is carried out by the granulocytes, neutrophils, basophils, mast cells, macrophages and eosinophils. Acquired immunity has a learned memory of previously encountered foreign proteins, held mostly in the Iymph nodes, and manifested by a whole other group of white blood cells called lymphocytes. When microorganisms or large toxins are digested by macrophages, large particles of digested "marker" protein (epitopes) are worn on their membranes. If these markers have been previously encountered, lymphocytes are cloned to directly respond to, and kill, the organism that bears them, or to make antibodies out of immunoglobulins as specific "antidotes" (antibodies) for the foreign molecules. Well organized lymph drainage into lymph tissue results in a quick acquired immunity response, and speeds up the cleaning of debris when tissues need innate immunity responses, such as with a bruise. Although grossly oversimplified, this is the gist of the lymph/immune system that is pertinent to managing constitutional imbalances.

LYMPH/IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS are mainly those associated with chronic moderate immunodeficiency; slow recuperation, slow healing of injuries and bruises, frequent low level infections in high-stress tissues such the respiratory mucosa and skin, and cold and flu symptoms that come and go for a month or more. Underlying causes can be many, ranging from a diet poor in protein to constant and subtle infections that never go away and drain immunologic energy (such as "slow" viruses, candidiasis and sinus infections). Further functional causes are emotional stresses that induce depressions and frustrations. Allergies that persist and induce hypersensitivities to other agents are PAGE 21 also symptoms of deficiency.

••HERBS TO STIMULATE increase efficiency of lymph transport, the bone marrow proliferation of WBCs, phagocytosis by innate immunity granulocytes, and overall synthesis of blood immunoglobulins and complement protein by the liver. Some tonics stimulate liver breakdown of immune waste products as well. Most allergies have as a base an acquired immunity underpinning (antibody response to Juniper pollen, as an example) and, if the chemicals produced by the response are not removed from the blood in an orderly fashion by the liver, they induce further unneeded innate immunity reactions. 


LYMPHAGOGUE: Anemopsis, Ceanothus (most efficient), Fouquieria (for fat malabsorption), Guaiacum (for respiratory) , Phytolacca, Polymnia (for spleen or swollen lymph nodes), Stillingia (for respiratory)

INNATE STIMULANT: Althea, Aristolochia (all), Arnica, Astragalus membranaceus, Baptisia, Bursera, Commiphora, Cuppressus, Echinacea(all), Guaiacum, Polymnia

ACQUIRED STIMULANT: Cuppressus, Echinacea(all), Thuja

LYMPH/IMMUNE EXCESS. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, Erigeron, Scutellaria, Tribulus 

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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