Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Materia Medica Lesson 1-8: Araila, adaptogens 1

 Arailas are alterative and adaptogen. Leaves stems and roots are equally useful in succulent arailas. Spinosa is woodier. BTW, this is a repeat of the same lesson in Constitutional.

Aralia spp. - Spikenard, etc. ARALIA HISPIDA or SPINOSA (Dwarf Elder, Hercules Club, Devil's Walkingstick) ROOT or BARK. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 5-25 drops, to 3X a day. STATUS : W/LA

ARALIA NUDICAULIS ("American Sarsaprilla") ROOT. Cold Infusion 2-4 ounces. Tincture [1:5, 60% alc.] 15-30 drops, both up to 3X a day. STATUS : W/A

ARALIA RACEMOSA [including A. californica] (Spikenard, California Spikenard) ROOT.Tincture [Fresh Root or leaf,1:2, Recent Dry Root,1:5, 50% alcohol] 10-30 drops. Strong Decoction or Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounces. BERRIES. Tincture [Fresh Berries, 1:2] 10-30 drops STATUS : W/LA


ARALIA CALIFORNICA Adrenal cortex hypofunctions. Blood serum levels: hyperlipidemia, in general. 

ARALIA HISPIDA Cardiovascular edema with constipation. Adrenal cortex hypofunctions. Blood serum levels: hyperlipidemia, in general. 

ARALIA HUMILIS Adrenal cortex hypofunctions. Blood serum levels: hyperlipidemia, in general. 

ARALIA NUDICAULIS Adrenal cortex hypofunctions. Blood serum levels: hyperlipidemia, in general. 

ARALIA RACEMOSA Chronic laryngitis with excess, abundant mucus. Chronic pharyngitis with thick tenacious mucus. Chronic bronchitis with profuse secretions and debility. Acute cough with faucial irritability, wheezing, dry mucus. Influenza. Adrenal cortex hypofunctions. Primipara, with irritability, distress last trimester. Thin, subanemic blood with hypersensitivities. 

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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Medicinal Ferns and Fern Allies: Matteuccia struthiopteris, Ostrich Fern and Osmunda claytoniana, Interrupted Fern

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