Saturday, October 10, 2020

Materia Medica Lesson 2-7: Aesculus, Ruscus

 Buckeye - They are PLENTIFUL where I live! There are some in my hard I've cut back to the ground annually for a decade, and they still come back. I'm glad to know they are useful for something, other than just being the namesake for a wonderful chocolate/peanut butter candy! Useful parts are peeled seed or live, inner bark. Bark can be taken from pruned branches. Used for poor circulation and claudication (swelling of the ankles). Improves charge of venous capillaries and venials - a small vein medicine. Blood rising from the legs is thick and when you stand a lot, fluid pools in the feet and ankles. Good for venous congestion in the legs - purple, spidery veins. Can be used topically and internally, and both work best. Can be used as a tea with witch hazel or hyssop. Best Combined with Butcher's Broom. .

Aesculus - Buckeye AESCULUS CALIFORNICA (California Buckeye) BARK and FRUIT. Same as Aesculus glabra. STATUS : W/LA USE WITH CARE.

AESCULUS GLABRA (Ohio Buckeye) BARK and FRUIT. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 5-15 drops. USE WITH CARE. STATUS : W/LA

AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM (Horse Chestnut) BARK and FRUIT. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 3-10 drops. USE WITH CARE. STATUS : W/A


AESCULUS Acute spasmodic cough with bronchial tightness and dyspnea. Functional dyspnea with bronchial tightness, spasmodic cough. Varicose veins, legs, inner thighs. Venous stasis in pelvis and legs, with dyspepsia and general GI hypofunction, rectal heaviness. Hemorrhoids, in athletic, strong individuals.

Ruscus is an African plant in the asparagus family. Nolina is an American plant that can be substituted

Ruscus - Butcher’s Broom RUSCUS ACULEATUS (Butcher's Broom) ROOT/RHIZOME. Fresh Tincture [1:2] 30-60 drops, 3X a day. Pharmaceutical preps (European) are easier to get than the crude drug...and more reliable for chronic venous congestion. STATUS : W/LA/C

Good formula is Buckeye, Butcher's Broom, Witch Hazel and Quercetin, rutin, camphoryl or anthocyanins. Add stone root for pelvic congestion. Stone Root, Collinsonia is a venous tonic for hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Good formula for diabetic impaired circulation with ulceration. Tea applied topically is good as preventative.

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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