Monday, October 26, 2020

Materia Medica Lesson 5-7: Capsicum

 Yep, it is peppers... not sure why this one had to be an hour long. I can't imagine anyone doesn't know what a chili pepper is. He says the hot peppers with the thicker oil, those where the burn comes on slower, are more medicinal. I eat a LOT of hot peppers! Three or four drops of tincture in water will not burn the mouth, but will disperse in the blood stream and warm the body. Don't use if you have gastric ulcers or allergies to nightshades. Capsicum and red root are good to thin blood, help with some headaches and good for heart valve issues. Prevents constriction of capillaries and blood vessels. Helps with enlarged heart and sticky blood. Tincture also delivers other herbs internally, especially in the mucosa and absorption of herbs through skin externally. Increases blood supply to colon. Good for high triglycerides. Good in ointment for arthritis and such. It takes several days to work, but it eventually exhausts neuro-peptides and the pain goes away.


CAPSICUM FRUTESCENS Tongue dry, scanty saliva. Dry mouth, with poor digestion. Onset of head cold, dry with tight membranes. Dry laryngitis. Acute early stage tonsillitis with dry membranes (also as a gargle). Dry cough, hectic, with dry mouth. Influenza, dry, hot, asecretory (combine with Lobelia). Acute pleurisy (as a plaster). Arteriosclerosis with confusion, sluggishness in aged. Delirium tremens in asthenics. Intercostal or cervical neuralgia (plaster). Anorexia nervosa, asecretory/achlorhydria. Atonic dyspepsia in alcoholics.  Asecretory dyspepsia. Flatulence without active inflammation. Alopecia (externally). Dry, hot skin. Senile asthenia. Chronic rheumatic pains, as a plaster. Uterine fibroids, with cyclic bleeding. Metabolic debility, with poor secretions. Cerebral vasodilator to increase site glucose availability, as opposed to real increase in serum glucose. 

CAPSICUM (Cayenne, African Bird Peppers) FRUIT. Tincture [1:5, 95% alcohol] 5-15 drops. Capsules, #0, 1-2 STATUS : W/C


Echinacea Root ........................... 2 parts

Garlic ........................................ 2 parts

Osha Root ................................... 2 parts

Cayenne ...................................... 1 part

2-4 capsules as needed for colds, flu, various viral junk.

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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