Sunday, November 22, 2020

Materia Medica Lesson 10-11: Viburnum

 Viburnum is useful in stopping cramping - antispasmodic.


VIBURNUM OPULUS Dysmenorrhea, in general; or with clonic spasms with intestinal cramps referred to thighs and sacral dermatomes. Leukorrhea, supportive to poor muscle tone and cramps. Menorrhagia, as a general treatment. Mittelschmerz, in general. Uterus, colic. Uterus, inflammation. Labor, false or Braxton-Hicks pains. Miscarriage, impending, with cramps as main symptom. Primipara, with history of first or second trimester miscarriage. 

VIBURNUM PRUNIFOLIUM Obstinate hiccoughs. Dysmenorrhea, in general; or non-colicky lumbar and pelvic pain and scanty flow. Leukorrhea, supportive to poor muscle tone and cramps. Menorrhagia, as a general treatment. Mittelschmerz, in general. Uterus, colic. Uterus, inflammation. Labor, false or Braxton-Hicks pains. Miscarriage, impending, with cramps as main symptom. Primipara, with history of first or second trimester miscarriage.

VIBURNUM (V. opulus, V. prunifolium, Cramp Bark, Black Haw) ROOTBARK and BARK. Cold Infusion or Strong Decoction, 3-4 ounces to 4X a day. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 30-90 drops to 4X a day. STATUS : W/LA


Black Haw (V. prunifolium).. ...........1.5 ounces

Cramp Bark (V. opulus) ........ ...........1.0 ounce

Trillium (dried)...................... ...........1.0 ounce (OR Cotton Root Bark........ ...........(1.0 ounce)

Dioscorea (Wild Yam)........... ...........1/2 ounce

Skullcap (recently dried) ....... ...........1/4 ounce

Cloves............ ....................... ...........1.0 ounce

Cinnamon Bark...................... ...........3/4 ounce

Orange Peel.... ....................... ...........1/2 ounce

Grind herbs together, moisten with a few tablespoons of alcohol, and let sit, covered, overnight. Tincture with 50% alcohol menstruum to a 1:4 tincture (about 26 ounces). Add 6.5 ounces (by volume) of Simple Syrup to bring the final strength to 1:5. You MAY substitute equal parts of glycerin and honey for the syrup, but it tasts wierd. Take 1-3 teaspoons in HOT water for Killer Kramps, particularly of it is a problem that only happens every few months, or occurs only the first night of menstruation. Regular monthly dysmennorhea from organic causes, rarely responds very well to H.V.C. This is the Queen of Cramp Remedies

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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