Sunday, November 22, 2020

Materia Medica Lesson 10-7: Siiybum marianum, Milk Thistle

 Milk Thistle is good for some liver conditions... MM goes on way too long about Hep-C.... like most of the class. Add, the bottom line is that it may help, especially if you take it regularly before you have liver damage if you have Hep-C. The best way is to grind fresh seeds and mix them into something to mask the flavor, or use standardize extract. Large doses help with mushroom poisoning. Liver protectant. Protects against many toxicities, including heavy drinking and tylenol. Is not a liver stimulant, just a liver protective. Works especially well combined with chirata.



Cirrhosis - alcoholic; Laennec's. Hepatitis - general strengthening. Thin, subanemic blood. Blood serum levels: bilirubinemia without active hepatitis. Blood serum levels: SGOT, SGPT elevations, elevated bilirubin, no active hepatitis. 

SILYBUM MARIANUM (Milk Thistle) SEEDS. Capsules, #00, 2 at a time, to 3X a day. Fluidextract [1:1, 60% alcohol], 20-40 drops to 5X a day. Strong Tincture [1:3, 70% alcohol], 1/2 to 1 teaspoon, to 4X a day. STATUS : W/C


Oregon Grape Root................ ...........3 parts

Silybum Fluidextract ............. ...........2 parts

Larrea............. ....................... ...........2 parts

Yellow Dock.. ....................... ...........2 parts

Aristolochia watsonii............. ...........1 part

Mix from the fluidextract and tinctures. Use 30-60 drops (1 or 2 squirts) 3 or4 times a day. This is meant to assist cleansing of the blood, liver and lymph system when recovering from alcohol, drug abuse, even long-term overmedication.


Barberry or Oregon Grape..... ...........2 parts

Milk Thistle Seed................... ...........2 parts

Chaparral (Larrea) ................. ...........1 part

Toadflax (Linaria).................. ...........1 part

Echinacea....... ....................... ...........1 part

Burdock Rt or Seed................ ...........1 part

Yellow Dock.. ....................... ...........1 part

Leptandra or Blue Flag Rt ..... ...........1 part

An old-fashioned "shotgun" formula. Grind well and encapsulate. Echinacea is the only one of these herb that deteriorates in a powdered form, so the best compromise would be to keep it as a rather coarse grind, the rest as fine a powder as desired. Materia Medica Lesson 10 - page 4 Useful for passive liver "heaviness", with periodic light stools and/or frontal headaches brought on by overeating or eating rich foods when tired. Look for greasy hair, acne on the cheeks (both kinds of cheeks) and acne around the mouth. It should be tried for those that regularly work with solvents or that drink regularly, whether in moderation or excess. In general, for those that regularly eat before going to bet and are slow in waking, grouchy and sluggish in the morning...they also have to cut back on the snacks. DOSE: Pronounced liver dysfunction, but w/out pathology: 2 caps, 3X a day. No overt symtoms, but having many of the risks mentioned: 1 cap, 3X a day.


Burdock Root FE...................2 parts

Dandelion Root FE................2 parts

Milk Thistle Seeds.................2 parts

Larrea............. .......................1 part

Tribulus (Puncture Vine).......1 part

Mix from Burdock and Dandelion Fluidextracts (1:1 strength) strong Milk Thistle Seed Tincture (1:2, 75% alcohol), dry Larrea and Tribulus tinctures (1:5) Use 30-60 drops to 3X a day, and decrease protein and fat consumption by at least one third. A constitutional tonic for those with anabolic excess.

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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