Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Medicinal Trees: Elder (Sambucus)

The Elderberries and their relatives are not native to my region but can be cultivated.

Dioscorides wrote of two members of this family, calling them Akte and Chamaiakte:

AKTE - Sambucus], Sambcus nigra, Elder Tree, Arn Tree, Boon Tree

Acte has two types; one is like a tree with reed-like branches — round, hollow, whitish and a good length. The three or four leaves are set at distancesaround the stem, like the carya, more jagged, and with a strong smell. On the top are branches or stalks on which are round tufts with white flowers, and a fruit like terminthos of a somewhat purplish black, growing in clusters, full of juice, smacking of wine. It is also called arbor ursi, orsativa; the Romans call itsambucus, the Gauls, scobie, and the Dacians, seba.

CHAMAIAKTE - Ebulus, Sambucus ebulus, Dwarf Elder, Ground Elder, Danewort


The other kind is called chamaiacte. This has a creeping rhizome and is smaller and more herb-like, with a foursquare stalk that has many joints. The leaves are spread out at distances around every joint, like the almond tree, cut-in all around, and longer, with a strong scent, and having a tuft on the top like that above, and with a similar flower and fruit. The long root lies underneath, the thickness of a finger. This has the same properties and uses as that above — drying, expelling water, yet bad for the stomach. The leaves (boiled as vegetables) purge phlegm and bile, and the stalks (boiled as a vegetable) do the same. The roots (boiled with wine and given with meat) are good for dropsy. A decoction (taken as a drink) helps those bitten by vipers. Boiled with water for bathing it softens the womb and opens the vagina, and sets to rights any disorders around it. A decoction of the fruit (taken as a drink with wine) does the same things, and rubbed on it darkens the hair. The new tender leaves (smeared on with polenta) lessen inflammation, and smeared on, they are good for burns and dog bites. Smeared on with bull or goat grease they heal hollow ulcers, and help gout. It is also called heliosacte, sylvestris sambucus, or euboica; the Romans call it ebulus, the Gauls, ducone, and the Dacians, olma.

Saint Hildegard von Bingen wrote of Elder:

one who has jaundice should enter a sauna bath and place the leaves of the tree on hot rocks. He should pour water over them, and then place a twig in pure wine, so that it takes its flavor. While in the bath, he should drink this in moderation. After he comes out of the bath, he should lie in bed, so that he sweats. He should do this often and he will be better.

Gerard wrote of “Common Elder”:

A. Galen attributeth the like faculty to Elder that he doth to Danewort, and saith that it is of a drying quality, gluing, and moderately digesting: and it hath not only these faculties, but others also; for the bark, leaves, first buds, flowers, and fruit of Elder, do not only dry, but also heat, and have withal a purging quality, but not without trouble and hurt to the stomach.

B. The leaves and tender crops of common Elder taken in some broth or pottage open the belly, purging both thick phlegm and choleric humours: the middle bark is of the same nature, but stronger, and purgeth the said humours more violently.

C. The seeds contained within the berries dried are good for such as have the dropsy, and such as are too fat, and would fain be leaner, if they be taken in a morning to the quantity of a dram with wine for a certain space.

D. The leaves of Elder boiled in water until they be very soft, and when they are almost boiled enough a little oil of sweet Almonds added thereto, or a little Linseed oil; then taken forth and laid upon a red cloth, or a piece of scarlet, and applied to the haemorrhoids or piles as hot as can be suffered, and so let to remain upon the part affected, until it be somewhat cold, having the like in a readiness, applying one after another upon the diseased part, by the space of an hour or more, and in the end some bound to the place, and the patient put warm a-bed; it hath not as yet failed at the first dressing to cure the said disease; but if the patient be dressed twice it must needs do good if the first fail.

E. The green leaves pounded with deer's suet or bull's tallow are good to be laid to hot swellings and tumors, and doth assuage the pain of the gout.

F. The inner and green bark doth more forcibly purge: it draweth forth choler and watery humours; for which cause it is good for those that have the dropsy, being stamped, and the liquor pressed out and drunk with wine or whey.

G. Of like operation are also the fresh flowers mixed with some kind of meat, as fried with eggs, they likewise trouble the belly and move to the stool: being dried they lose as well their purging quality as their moisture, and retain the digesting and attenuating quality.

H. The vinegar in which the dried flowers are steeped are wholesome for the stomach: being used with meat it stirreth up an appetite, it cutteth and attenuateth or maketh thin gross and raw humours.

I. The faculty of the seed is somewhat gentler than that of the other parts: it also moveth the belly, and draweth forth watery humours, being beaten to powder, and given to a dram weight: being new gathered, steeped in vinegar, and afterwards dried, it is taken, and that effectually, in the like weight of the dried lees of wine, and with a few Anise seeds, for so it worketh without any manner of trouble, and helpeth those that have the dropsy. But it must be given for certain days together in a little wine, to those that have need thereof.

K. The jelly of the Elder, otherwise called Jew's ear, hath a binding and drying quality: the infusion thereof, in which it hath been steeped a few hours, taketh away inflammations of the mouth, and almonds of the throat in the beginning, if the mouth and throat be washed therewith, and doth in like manner help the uvula.

L. Dioscorides saith, that the tender and green leaves of the Elder tree, with barley meal parched, do remove hot swellings, and are good for those that are burnt or scalded, and for such as be bitten with a mad dog, and that they glue and heal up hollow ulcers.

M. The pith of the young boughs is without quality: This being dried, and somewhat pressed or quashed together, is good to lay upon the narrow orifices or holes of fistulas and issues, if it be put therein.

Of Dwarf Elder, he wrote:

A. The roots of Wallwort boiled in wine and drunken are good against the dropsy, for they purge downwards watery humours.

B. The leaves do consume and waste away hard swellings if they be applied poultice-wise, or in a fomentation or bath.

C. Dioscorides saith, that the roots of Wallwort do soften and open the matrix, and also correct the infirmities thereof, if they be boiled for a bath to sit in; and dissolve the swellings and pains of the belly.

D. The juice of the root of Danewort doth make the hair black.

E. The young and tender leaf quencheth hot inflammations, being applied with barley meal: it is with good success laid upon burnings, scaldings, and upon the bitings of mad dogs; and with bull's tallow or goat's suet it is a remedy for the gout.

F. The seed of Wallwort drunk in the quantity of a dram is the most excellent purger of watery humours in the world, and therefore most singular against the dropsy.

G. If one scruple of the seed be bruised and taken with syrup of Roses and a little sack, it cureth the dropsy, and easeth the gout, mightily purging downwards waterish humours, being once taken in the week.

Culpepper said of both Elder and Dwarf Elder:

Both the elder and dwarf tree are under the dominion of Venus. The first shoots of the common elder boiled like asparagus, and the young leaves and stalks boiled in fat broth, doth mightily carry forth phlegm and choler. The middle or inward bark boiled in water, and given in drink, worketh much more violently; and the berries, either green or dry expel the same humour, and are often given with good success to help the dropsy; the bark of the root boiled in wine, or the juice thereof drank, worketh the same effects, but more powerfully than either the leaves or fruit. The juice of the root taken, doth mightily procure vomitings, and purgeth the watery humours of the dropsy. The decoction of the root taken, cureth the biting of an adder, and biting of mad dogs. It mollifieth the hardness of the mother, if women sit thereon, and openeth their veins, and bringeth down their courses: The berries boiled in wine performeth the same effect; and the hair of the head washed therewith is made black. The juice of the green leaves applied to the hot inflammations of the eyes assuageth them; the juice of the leaves snuffed up into the nostrils, purgeth the tunicles of the brain; the juice of the berries boiled with honey, and dropped into the ears, helpeth the pains of them; the decoction of the berries in wine being drank provoketh urine: the distilled water, of the flowers is of much use to clean the skin from sun-burning, freckles, morphew, or the like; and taketh away the head-ach, coming of a cold cause, the head being bathed therewith. The leaves or flowers distilled in the month of May, and the legs often washed with the said distilled water, it taketh away the ulcers and sores of them. The eyes washed therewith, it taketh away the redness and bloodshot; and the hands washed morning and evening therewith, helpeth the palsy, and shaking of them.

The dwarf elder is more powerful than the common elder in opening and purging choler, phlegm, and water; in helping the gout, piles, and women's diseases, coloureth the hair black, helpeth the inflammations of the eyes, and pains in the ears, the biting of serpents, or mad dogs, burnings and scaldings, the wind cholic, cholic and stone, the difficulty of urine, the cure of old sores and fistulous ulcers. Either leaves or bark of elder, stripped upwards as you gather it, causeth vomiting. Also Dr. Butler, in a manuscript of his, commends dwarfelder to the sky for dropsies, viz to drink it, being boiled in white wine; to drink the decoction I mean, not the elder.

Mrs. Grieves made a point of differentiating the true Elders from those so called in the Acer family:

Medicinal Action and Uses---Expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic, purgative.

The Dwarf Elder has more drastic therapeutic action than the Common Elder, and it is only the leaves, or very occasionally the berries, that are used medicinally. The leaves are probably more used in herbal practice than those of Sambucus nigra, and are ingredients in medicines for inflammation of both kidney and liver. The drug is said to be very efficacious in dropsy. Dwarf Elder Tea, which has been considered one of the best remedies for dropsy, is prepared from the dried roots, cut up fine or ground to powder; the drug was much used by Kneipp.

The root, which is white and fleshy, has a nauseous, bitter taste and a decoction from it is a drastic purgative. Culpepper states that the decoction cures the bites of mad dogs and adders. The root-juice has been employed to dye hair black.

The leaves, bruised and laid on boils and scalds, have a healing effect, and boiled in wine and made into a poultice were employed in France to resolve swellings and relieve contusions.

A rob made from the berries is actively purgative.

An oil extracted from the seeds has been used as an application to painful joints.

Mice and moles are said not to come near the leaves, and in Silesia there is a belief that it prevents some of the diseases of swine, being strewn in sties.

In the United States, the name of Dwarf Elder is given to an entirely different plant, viz. Aralia hispida (N.O. Araliaceae). In Homoeopathy, it is the American Dwarf Elder which is employed. There it is also called Bristly Sarsaparilla and Wild Elder. It is found growing in rocky places in North America.

The homoeopaths use a tincture from the fresh, root and a fluid extract is also prepared from it. It has sudorific, diuretic and alterative properties and is regarded as very valuable in dropsy, gravel and in suppression of urine. It is particularly recommended as a diuretic in dropsy, being more acceptable to the stomach than other remedies of the same class.

The 'Prickly Elder' of America is a closely related species, A. spinosa, also known as False Prickly Ash (the real Prickly Ash being Xanthoxylum Americanum), which contains a glucoside named Aralin. A decoction of the plant is used for the same purposes as Sarsaparilla.

The 'Poison Elder' of America is again no Elder, but a Sumach, its other name being Swamp Sumach, botanically Rhus verni (Linn.). It is a handsome shrub or small tree, 10 to 15 feet high, growing in swamps from Canada to California, with very small greenish flowers and small greenish-white berries and is extremely poisonous. It was confounded by the older botanists with R. vernicifera (D.C.) of Japan, the Japanese lacquer tree, which has similar poisonous properties. Its synonym is R. venenata (D.C.) See SUMACH.

There is a tree called the 'Box Elder,' mentioned by W. J. Bean in his Trees and Shrubs hardy in the British Isles; this is not a true Elder, however, but one of the American maples that yield sugar.

There are about half a dozen species of Elder hardy in Great Britain. The Common Elder (S. nigra), of which there are many varieties in cultivation, several of which are very ornamental, has leaves often very finely divided and jagged and variegated both with golden and silver blotches, a specially ornamental form being the 'golden cut-leaf Elder,' and another with yellow berries; the American Elder (S. canadensis) (the flowers of which, together with those of S. nigra are official in the United States Pharmacopoeia) has berries smaller and deep purple rather than black, the leaves broader and the flowers more fragrant than our Common Elder, it never attains tree size, but is a shrub of from 6 to 10 feet in height; the Blue Elder (S. glauca), the intensely blue berries of which are used as a food, when cooked, in California; the Red-berried Elder (S. racemosa), a pretty species, native of Central and Southern Europe, cultivated in shrubberies, which flowers in March and towards the end of summer is highly ornamental, with large oval clusters of bright scarlet berries, is so attractive to birds that their beauty is rarely seen, except when cultivated close to a house; the Red-berried American Elder (S. rubens and S. melanocarpa).

An Irish Herbal states:

Elder. The leaves, tender tops and inner bark purge bilious conditions. A small amount of seed pounded and taken in wine will disperse all accumulation of water fluid. The green leaves are good against all sorts of inflammations, while the flowers expel wind from the stomach. The berries can be used in gargles for sore mouths and throats.

Dwarf Elder. It is very beneficial in causing watery evacuations.

Fr. Kneipp wrote with particular enthusiasm of both Elder and Dwarf Elder:

Common Elder.

In the good old times the elder-bush stood nearest to the house, but now it is in many ways displaced and rooted up. It ought to stand near every house as pait of the household, as it were; or if cast aside it should be brought back to its post of honour, for every part of the elder-tree, leaves, blossoms, berries, bark and roots are all efficacious remedies. In spring time, vigorous nature strives to throw off matters that have gathered together in the body during winter. Who does not know these states, the so-called "spring diseases", such as eruptions, diarrhoea, colic, and such like?

Whoever wishes to purify juices and blood by a spring course of medicine, and to get rid of injurious matters in the easiest and most natural way, let hirn take six or eight leaves of the elder-tree, cut them up small, like one cuts tobacco, and let the tea boil for about ten minutes.

Then take daily during the whole course, one cup of this tea, fasting, an hour before breakfast. This most simple blood -purifying tea cleanses the machine of the human body in an excellent manner, and with poor people it takes the place of the pills and Alpine herbs, and such like which now-a-days are found in fine medicine chests, and which have often very strange effects

This course may also be undertaken at any other time of the year. Even the withered leaves make a good purifying tea.

Who has not eaten cakes made with elder flowers, the Suabian so-called "little cakes"? Many people bake them just at the time when the tree is shining in iis white spring-adornments, and they say these flower-cakes are a protection against fever. I know a place which is often visited with the ague, and there in spring you will see these elder-flower or fever-cakes on every table.

I have never examined this minutely and critically; let those people remain in their faith, for such fare is good and wholesome

Elder-flowers also purify, and it, would be good if in every home-dispensary a box of dried flowers were kept.

Winter is long, and cases can occur in which such a dissolving and sudorific little remedy may prove of excellent service. Harm can never be done by it.

From organisms in which dropsy has commenced, elder-root prepared as tea, drives out the water so powerfully, that it is scarcely excelled by any other medicament.

The berries which in autumn are often boiled and eaten as porridge or marmalade, were highly esteemed by our forefathers as a blood-purifying remedy. My departed mother undertook such an elder-flower course every year for a fortnight to three weeks. This was the chief reason why our ancestors forty or fifty years ago, had at least two elder-trees planted before their houses. As the higher classes now-a-days travel, and often to distant lands, to make use of the expensive grape cure, so our parents and grandparents used to go to the elder-tree which was close at hand, and which served them so cheaply and often much better than the expensive grapes. Some years ago, I was among the Austrian Alps, and saw there to my great joy how the elder -tree was still honoured. "Of that," said on old peasant to me, "we do not let a single berry go to waste." How simple, how sensible! Even the birds before they commence their autumnal travels seek out everywhere the elder-trees in order to purify their blood and strengthen their nature for their long journey. What a pity that man, on account of art and affectation no longer feels or takes notice of all these natural instincts,"the sound mind !"

If the berries are boiled down with sugar, or better still with honey, they will prove especially good in winter time for people who have but little exercise and are condemned to a sedentary mode of life. A spoonful of the above preserve stirred in a glass of water, makes the most splendid cooling and refreshing drink, operates on the secretion of the urine, and has a good effect on the kidneys.

Many country people dry the berries. But whether these dried berries are boiled as porridge, or stewed eat, or eaten dry, in all forms they are an excellent remedy against violent diarrhoea. Because the exceedingly good services rendered by the elder-tree, are no longer remembered; this faithful and formerly so highly esteemed house-hold friend is in many ways rejected. May the old friend be brought once more to honour!

Dwarf Elder. (Sambucus ebulus L.)

On the borders of woods, especially in parts which have been thinned, the dwarf elder may be seen standing above three feet high, bearing in July the great white umbellar blossoms, and in autumn the splendid, heavy, and bright umbellar grapes. Tea prepared from such roots, expels the water, and purifies the kidneys, it is therefore of extraordinary effect in cases of dropsy. I know several cases in which the rather advanced disease has been entirely cured by such tea. Also against other complaints in the abdomen, springing from bad juices, it operates well: it removes the juices through the urine. Dwarf-elder tea prepared from the powder has the same effect. For one cup of tea, which should be taken in two doses at different parts of the day, a pinch of this powder will be sufficient. Late in autumn the roots are gathered and thoroughly dried in the air, and then the dried roots themselves, or the powder made by crushing them, are kept in the house dispensary.

Brother Aloysius wrote of Elder and Dwarf Elder:

Elder flowers are undoubtedly the most well known diaphoretic in use and cam be successfully employed at the onset of all kinds of chills. The inner rind of one year old shoots, mixed with half a quantity of licorice, is an excellent remedy for dropsy. The leaves drunk as tea, are a depurative. The infusion should contain 1/4th to 1/3rd cup per two cups boiling water.

The well known elder syrup can be made from berries picked in autumn. The infusion of elder flowers contains 4 to 5 tablespoons per two cups boiling water. Elder flowers boiled in milk with a slice of white bread soaked in it, applied between linen cloths on burning eyes soon draws out all burning; sore eyes are also soon healed by this remedy. A good laxative is 4 to 5 teaspoons of elder berries. Elder leaves, boiled in milk, are beneficial for scurf; they are depurative and laxative. The dosage is 1 to 2 cups daily.

Dwarf Elder:

The root is used medicinally and should be gathered in July. The decoction contains 1 to 2 tablespoons per 2 cups water and is very beneficial for the treatment of dropsy. A larger dose acts as a purgative. Gout and podagra are soon cured by the application of elder root, boiled for quite a long time in wine dregs. Flowers and leaves, boiled to a paste, are highly recommended for sciatica, rheumatism and paralysis. This, alone, will cure these complaints. It can also be fruitfully used in the treatment of neuralgia.

Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests states:

The juice of the root has been highly recommended in dropsy as a hydragogue cathartic, sometimes acting as an emetic, in the dose of a tablespoonful, repeated every day with less frequency if it act with violence. Dr. Stratton, of New Jersey, uses a syrup in place of Sarsaparilla, made with the juice of the berries. New Jersey Med. Rep., vii, 466. U. S. Disp. The flowers are excitant and sudorific, and are used in the form of an ointment as a discutient. The inner bark is a hydragogue cathartic and emetic, acting well in drops', and as an alterative in various chronic diseases. The purgation which results from its employment is sometimes, however, too severe. The berries are diaphoretic and aperient and are used as a remedy in rheumatic gout and syphilitic affections. The juice of these diluted with water furnishes a cooling and valuable laxative drink. This plant is employed to some extent in domestic practice for the purposes severally referred to above. A decoction made by pouring boiling water over the leaves, flowers or berries of the elder is recommended as a wash for wounds to prevent injury from flies. An ointment used for the same purpose is prepared by stirring the elder or mixing the juice into lard while boiling, and straining through a coarse sieve. Beeswax may be added. Surg. S. E. Chambers reports in the Confed. States Med. Journal, Jan., 1865. that he has used the following ointment with complete success in at least one hundred cases of camp itch. In ordinary cases it will cure in one week. The patient is first made to wash well with soap and water, to dry the parts affected, and then to rub the ointment on the parts affected with the hand until it is absorbed. One pound of the inner bark of the elder, in two and a half pints of water is boiled down to one quarter of a pint. Then one pound of lard and four ounces of sweet gum are added, evaporate the water and at the same time skim whatever filth may rise to the top of the vessel, after which set it aside to cool. When thoroughly cool add two ounces of basilicon ointment, three of olive oil and half an ounce of flour of sulphur. See, also, Phylotacca decandra, Poke. According to Mr. Cozzens, the ripe berries afford a deli- cate test for acids and alkalies. The elder berry stewed with copperas, vinegar and alum, makes, as I have seen, an excellent ink and a dye.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898 tells us:

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—Sambucus is stimulant to all of the emunctories, increasing secretion. In warm infusion, elder flowers are diaphoretic and gently stimulant; in cold infusion, they are diuretic, alterative, and cooling, and may be used in all diseases requiring such action, as in hepatic derangements of children, erysipelas, erysipelatous diseases, etc. In infusion, with maidenhair and beech-drops, they will be found very valuable in all erysipelatous diseases. The expressed juice of the berries, evaporated to the consistence of a syrup, is a valuable aperient and alterative; 1 ounce of it will purge. An infusion of the young leaf-buds is likewise purgative, and sometimes acts with violence. The flowers and expressed juice of the berries have been beneficially employed in scrofula, cutaneous diseases, syphilis, rheumatism, etc. The inner green bark is cathartic; an infusion of it in wine or cider, or the expressed juice, will purge moderately, in doses of from ½ to 1 fluid ounce; large doses produce emesis; in small ones, it proves an efficient deobstruent, promoting all the fluid secretions, and is much used in dropsy, especially that following scarlatina, and other febrile and exanthematous diseases, as well as in many chronic diseases. Specific Sambucus is largely used as an alterative where there is a tendency to unhealthy deposits in, or depravation of the tissues. The chief indication for sambucus is a fullness or oedematous condition of the parts, giving them a watery and flabby appearance. In these conditions it is a valuable agent in dropsy. Webster asserts that small doses of specific sambucus are valuable in the catarrhal nasal obstructions of infants. The juice of the root in 1 ounce doses, daily, acts as a hydragogue cathartic and diuretic, and will be found valuable in dropsical affections requiring purgation.

Externally, sambucus is a valuable agent, especially for eruptions which appear upon the full, flabby, oedematous tissues as described above, and particularly when attended with abundant discharge of serum. Beaten up with lard or cream, it forms an excellent discutient ointment, which is of much value in burns, scalds, and some cutaneous diseases, such as eczema, milk-scall, old ulcers, with soft, oedematous edges and free secretion of serum, and in mucous patches, with free discharges. The dose of specific sambucus ranges from 1 to 60 drops; decoction (inner bark, 2 ounces, to water, 1 quart, boiled down to 1 pint), from 2 to 4 fluid ounces.

Specific Indications and Uses.—In skin affections, when the tissues are full, flabby, and oedematous; epidermis separates and discharge of serum is abundant, forming crusts; indolent ulcers, with soft, oedematous borders; mucous patches, with free secretions; post-scarlatinal dropsy; low deposits in, or depravation of tissues.

Plants for A Future states:

Medicinal use of Elder: The plant has medicinal qualities. No further details are given but these are the medicinal properties of the closely related S. ebulus:- The leaves are antiphlogistic, cholagogue, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant and laxative. The fruit is also sometimes used, but it is less active than the leaves. The herb is commonly used in the treatment of liver and kidney complaints. When bruised and laid on boils and scalds, they have a healing effect. They can be made into a poultice for treating swellings and contusions. The leaves are harvested in the summer and can be dried for later use. The root is diaphoretic, mildly diuretic and a drastic purgative. Dried, then powdered and made into a tea, it is considered to be one of the best remedies for dropsy. It should only be used with expert supervision because it can cause nausea and vertigo. A homeopathic remedy is made from the fresh berries or the bark. It is used in the treatment of dropsy.

The Rodale Herb Book states:

A delightful tea is made from the dried blossoms, and it is helpful for colds and to promote sleep. Elder has been used for many medical purposes, in skin lotions, facials and packs, and as an antiseptic for skin disease.

Elder was widely used by the American Indians, who applied the bark as an antidotal poultice to painful swellings and inflammations. There was some us of a bark tea to ease parturition and a tea made of the dried flowers as a febrifuge. The elder berries were listed in the official pharmacopoeias for a few years during the nineteenth century and the flowers for nearly a century long period spanning the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The flowers were listed as mildly stimulant, carminative and diaphoretic.

The Physicians’ Desk Reference for Herbal Medicine tells us:

Flowers and berries of Sambucus nigra and Sambucus canadensis are used to shorten the duration and severity of flu and cold, to treat eczema and other skin disorders, and to reduce pain and inflammation. Indications and usage approved by Commission E: cough/bronchitis, fevers and cold.. The drug is used for colds and coughs it is a sweat producing remedy for the treatment of feverish colds. Unproven uses: in folk medicine, elderflowers are used internally as a sudorific tea and for colds and other fevers conditions. Elder is also used as an infusion, a gargle, mouthwash and for respiratory disorders, such as coughs, head colds, laryngitis, flu, and shortness of breath. Elder is used occasionally by nursing mothers to increase lactation. Externally, herbal pillows are used for swelling and inflammation. Precautions and adverse reactions: only fully ripe purple berries are used, as red berries can be mildly toxic. Leaves, shoots, bark, roots and raw red berries contain a cyanogenic glycoside, sambunigrin, that can cause dizziness, headache, convulsions, gastrointestinal distress, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and tachycardia. Bark lectins may stimulate hyperplasia of the small intestine. Data suggest Sambucus may be a source potential harm to diabetic patients in caution should be advised.

This article is an excerpt from The Medicinal Trees of the American South, An Herbalist's Guide: by Judson Carroll

His New book is:

Read About: 

Medicinal Ferns and Fern Allies, an Herbalist's Guide 

Southern Appalachian Herbs: Medicinal Ferns and Fern Allies, an Herbalist's Guide (Medicinal Plants of The American Southeast)

Available for purchase on Amazon:

His new cookbook is:

Read About The Omnivore’s Guide to Home Cooking for Preppers, Homesteaders, Permaculture People and Everyone Else"


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His other works include:

Medicinal Shrubs and Woody Vines of The American Southeast An Herbalist's Guide

Read about Medicinal Shrubs and Woody Vines of The American Southeast An Herbalist's Guide: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2022/06/medicinal-shrubs-and-woody-vines-of.html

Available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B2T4Y5L6

Growing Your Survival Herb Garden for Preppers, Homesteaders and Everyone Else

Read About Growing Your Survival Herb Garden for Preppers, Homesteaders and Everyone Else: http://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2022/04/growing-your-survival-herb-garden-for.html

Available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09X4LYV9R

The Encyclopedia of Bitter Medicinal Herbs:


Available for purchase on Amazon: 


Christian Medicine, History and Practice:


Available for purchase on Amazon: www.amazon.com/dp/B09P7RNCTB

Herbal Medicine for Preppers, Homesteaders and Permaculture People


Also available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09HMWXL25

Look Up: The Medicinal Trees of the American South, An Herbalist's Guide


The Herbs and Weeds of Fr. Johannes Künzle:


Author: Judson Carroll. Judson Carroll is an Herbalist from the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.

His weekly articles may be read at judsoncarroll.com

His weekly podcast may be heard at: www.spreaker.com/show/southern-appalachian-herbs

He offers free, weekly herb classes: https://rumble.com/c/c-618325


The information on this site is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or condition. Nothing on this site has been evaluated or approved by the FDA. I am not a doctor. The US government does not recognize the practice of herbal medicine and their is no governing body regulating herbalists. Therefore, I'm just a guy who studies herbs. I am not offering any advice. I won't even claim that anything I write is accurate or true! I can tell you what herbs have "traditionally been used for." I can tell you my own experience and if I believe an herb helped me. I cannot, nor would I tell you to do the same. If you use any herb I, or anyone else, mentions you are treating yourself. You take full responsibility for your health. Humans are individuals and no two are identical. What works for me may not work for you. You may have an allergy, sensitivity or underlying condition that no one else shares and you don't even know about. Be careful with your health. By continuing to read my blog you agree to be responsible for yourself, do your own research, make your own choices and not to blame me for anything, ever.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Show 122: The Mallow family of herbs and Green Pork Chili

Listen to "Show 122: The Mallow family of herbs and Green Pork Chili" on Spreaker.

In this episode, I discuss the many medicinal uses of the Mallows. Mallow is an herb you will always want to have on hand as it is very useful. I also give you my favorite Chili Verde recipe, made with smoked pork, tomatillos, lots of peppers, onions and garlic... perfect for a cold, wet winter day!

Read about my new book: Medicinal Ferns and Fern Allies, an Herbalist's Guide https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2022/11/medicinal-ferns-and-fern-allies.html

Available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BMSZSJPS

Read about my new cookbook, The Omnivore’s Guide to Home Cooking for Preppers, Homesteaders, Permaculture People and Everyone Else: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2022/10/the-omnivores-guide-to-home-cooking-for.html

Available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BGKX37Q2

Visit my Substack and sign up for my free newsletter: https://judsoncarroll.substack.com/

Read about my new other book, Medicinal Shrubs and Woody Vines of The American Southeast an Herbalist's Guide

Available for purchase on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B2T4Y5L6


Growing Your Survival Herb Garden for Preppers, Homesteaders and Everyone Else


The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Bitter Herbs: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2022/03/the-encyclopedia-of-bitter-medicina.html

Available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B5MYJ35R


Christian Medicine, History and Practice: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2022/01/christian-herbal-medicine-history-and.html

Available for purchase on Amazon: www.amazon.com/dp/B09P7RNCTB

Herbal Medicine for Preppers, Homesteaders and Permaculture People: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2021/10/herbal-medicine-for-preppers.html

Also available on Amazon: www.amazon.com/dp/B09HMWXL25

Podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/show/southern-appalachian-herbs

Blog: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/

Free Video Lessons: https://rumble.com/c/c-618325

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Matt Powers Permaculture

 As i mentioned in my most recent Herbal Medicine for Preppers podcast, I believe that Matt Powers offers the very best online Permaculture course there is.  It is very comprehensive and he is constantly updating it with new discoveries and techniques.  Matt is a great guy and a friend.  I am very pleased to be the first person to earn an Advanced Permaculture Certification from Matt - I did that several years ago and it made a huge difference for me as a homesteader!

Please click this link to view all of his courses and books https://gumroad.com/a/203928691

Tell him I sent you!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Medicinal Trees: Willow or Osier (Salix)


Sixty-two varieties of Salix have been found useful in Herbal Medicine: Salix acutifolia - Sharp-Leaf Willow, Salix aegyptiaca, Salix alaxensis - Feltleaf Wiillow, Salix alba - White WillowSalix alb, a caerulea - Cricket Bat Willow, Salix alba vitellina - Golden Willow, Salix 'Americana', Salix amygdaloides - Peach Leaved Willow, Salix appendiculata, Salix arenaria, Salix atrocinerea - Rusty Sallow, Salix aurita - Eared Sallow, Salix babylonica - Weeping Willow, Salix bakko, Salix bebbiana - Beak Willow, Salix 'Bowles hybrid', Salix brachycarpa, Salix caprea - Goat Willow, Salix cinerea - Grey Willow, Salix commutate, Salix daphnoides - Violet Willow, Salix decipiens, Salix eriocephala - Missouri Willow, Salix exigua - Coyote Willow, Salix fluviatilis - River Willow, Salix 'Forbiana', Salix fragilis - Crack Willow, Salix gilgiana, Salix gooddingii - Goodding's Willow, Salix gracilistyla - Rosegold Pussy Willow, Salix hastata - Halberd-Leaved Willow, Salix hookeriana - Dune Willow, Salix chaenomeloides, Salix japonica, Salix koriyanagi, Salix lanata - Woolly Willow, Salix lasiandra - Yellow Willow, Salix lasiolepis - Pacific Willow, Salix lucida - Shining Willow, Salix matsudana, Salix miyabeana, Salix nigra - Black Willow, Salix nipponica, Salix pentandra - Bay Willow, Salix petiolaris - Slender Willow, Salix piperi - Dune Willow, Salix pulchra - Tealeaf Willow, Salix purpurea - Purple Osier, Salix purpurea lambertiana - Purple Osier, Salix repens - Creeping Willow, Salix scouleriana - Scouler's Willow, Salix schwerinii, Salix sitchensis - Sitka Willow, Salix sungkianica, Salix taxifolia - Yew-Leaf Willow, Salix triandra - Almond-Leaved Willow, Salix viminalis – Osier, Salix wallichiana, Salix x mollisima hippophaeifolia, Salix x mollisima undulata, Salix x rubra, Salix x smithiana

Fortunately, I need not get into the specific virtues of all sixty-two trees, as only one variety of Salix is native to my region, the Black Willow (Salix Nigra). Naturalized are: Salix alba (White Willow), Salix atrocinerea (Grey Willow, Common Sallow, Rusty Sallow, Olive-leaf Willow), Salix babylonica (Weeping Willow), Salix caprea (Goat Willow), Salix cinerea (Grey Willow), Salix pentandra (Laurel Willow, Bay Willow)

The Willows are widely used in Herbal Medicine. Their chief value is salic acid. Willows, and a few other plants, are nature’s aspirin. They reduce pain and inflammation, thin the blood and lower fevers.

Dioscorides referred to Willow as Itea:

Itea is a tree known to all whose fruit, leaves, bark and juice are astringent. The leaves pounded into small pieces and taken in a drink with a little pepper and wine help those troubled with iliaca passio [painful intestinal obstruction]. Taken by themselves with water they cause inconception [birth control]. The fruit (taken in a drink) is good for those who spit blood, and the bark does the same. Burnt and steeped in vinegar it takes away calluses and corns, rubbed on them. The juice from the leaves and bark warmed with rosaceum in a cup of malum punicum [pomegranate] helps sores in the ears, and a decoction of them is an excellent warm pack for gout. It also cleans away scurf [eczema]. A juice is taken from it at the time of its flowering, the bark being cut, for it is found coalesced within. It has the ability to clean away things that darken the pupils.

Oddly, Saint Hildegard von Bingen did not approve of Willow. She wrote:

The willow is cold, and it designates vices, since it seems to be beautiful. It is not useful for people, except in serving external uses, and is not good for medicine. Its fruit and juice is bitter and not good for human use. If one wishes to eat it, it stirs up and augments melancholy in him, makes him bitter inside, and diminishes his health and happiness.

Gerard wrote of eight varieties of Willow, listing their virtues as:

A. The leaves and bark of Withy or Willows do stay the spitting of blood, and all other fluxes of blood whatsoever in man or woman, if the said leaves and bark be boiled in wine and drunk.

B. The green boughs with the leaves may very well be brought into chambers and set about the beds of those that be sick of fevers, for they do mightily cool the heat of the air, which thing is a wonderful refreshing to the sick patients.

C. The bark hath like virtues: Dioscorides writeth, that this being burnt to ashes, and steeped in vinegar, takes away corns and other like risings in the feet and toes: divers, saith Galen, do slit the bark whilst the Withy is in flowering, and gather a certain juice, with which they use to take away things that hinder the sight, and this is when they are constrained to use a cleansing medicine of thin and subtle parts.

Culpepper wrote of Willow:

The Moon owns it. Both the leaves, bark, and the seed, are used to stanch bleeding of wounds, and at mouth and nose, spitting of blood, and other fluxes of blood in man or woman, and to stay vomiting, and provocation thereunto, if the decoction of them in wine be drank. It helps also to stay thin, hot, sharp, salt distillations from the head upon the lungs, causing a consumption. The leaves bruised with some pepper, and drank in wine, helps much the wind cholic. The leaves bruised and boiled in wine, and drank, stays the heat of lust in man or woman, and quite extinguishes it, if it be long used. The seed also is of the same effect. Water that is gathered from the Willow, when it flowers, the bark being slit, and a vessel fitting to receive it, is very good for redness and dimness of sight, or films that grow over the eyes, and stay the rheums that fall into them; to provoke urine, being stopped, if it be drank; to clear the face and skin from spots and discolourings. Galen says, the flowers have an admirable faculty in drying up humours, being a medicine without any sharpness or corrosion; you may boil them in white wine, and drink as much as you will, so you drink not yourself drunk. The bark works the same effect, if used in the same manner, and the tree hath always a bark upon it, though not always flowers; the burnt ashes of the bark being mixed with vinegar, takes away warts, corns, and superfluous flesh, being applied to the place. The decoction of the leaves or bark in wine, takes away scurff and dandrif by washing the place with it. It is a fine cool tree, the boughs of which are very convenient to be placed in the chamber of one sick of a fever.

In the fifty-third volume of the Philosophical Transactions, page 195, we have an account given by Mr. Stone, of the great efficacy of the bark of this tree, in the cure of intermitting fevers. He gathered the bark in summer, when it was full of sap, and having dried it by a gentle heat, gave a drachm of it in powder every four hours between the fits.

While the Peruvian bark remained at its usual moderate price, it was hardly worth while to seek for a substitute, but since the consumption of that article is become nearly as equal to the supply of it, from South America, we must expect to find it dearer, and very much adulterated every year, and consequently the white Willow bark is likely to become an object worthy the attention of the faculty; and should its success, upon a more enlarged scale of practice, prove equal to Mr. Stone's experiments, the world will be much indebted to that gentleman for his communication.

Mrs. Grieves wrote of both Black and White Willow:

Willow, Black American

Botanical: Salyx nigra

Medicinal Action and Uses---An aphrodisiac sedative, tonic. The bark has been prescribed in gonorrhoea and to relieve ovarian pain; a liquid extract is prepared and used in mixture with other sedatives. Largely used in the treatment of nocturnal emissions.

Willow, White

Botanical: Salix alba

Medicinal Action and Uses---Tonic, antiperiodic and astringent. It has been used in dyspepsia connected with debility of the digestive organs. In convalescence from acute diseases, in worms, in chronic diarrhoea and dysentery, its tonic and astringent combination renders it very useful


An Irish Herbal states:

A decoction of the leaves, bark, seed and flower in wine, taken internally, stops vomiting, spitting of blood, excessive menstrual flow and all other flows of the blood. The ashes of the bark, mixed with vinegar, causes warts to fall off and soothes hard skin. The sap that flows from the bark is good for inflammations of the eye.

Brother Aloysius wrote of White Willow:

Before the flowering period in April, the bark of two to three year old branches should be gathered and left to dry. The decoction of this very bitter astringent can be fruitfully used for the treatment of fever. It is, indeed, one of the best febrifuge remedies, especially for intermittent fever. It is also highly recommended for blood-spitting , and is a very potent tonic. Boil 3 to 4 tablespoons in 2 cups water until reduced by half; add a little sugar or honey, as it has a rather bitter taste. Take 1 tablespoon every 2 hours; 1 tablespoon ever hour in case of fever. It is a most efficacious remedy for heavy bleeding, also for chronic diarrhea, leukorrhea, excessive mucus, stomach cramps, nervous complaints, spleen and liver disorders, foul or mucus stomach.

Powder from the dried bark of willow can also be used for the same complaints; take 2 to 2 ½ tablespoons as necessary, per day, with a little honey or syrup, in wine. When taken in wine, ½ to ¾ cup should be steeped in 1 quart of wine for 14 days. Dosage, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Boil 3 handfuls of willow leaves in ½ cups wine until reduced by two thirds. This is a beneficial remedy for blood-spitting, heavy menstruation and leukorrhea. Dosage: a liqueur glassful, three times a day. A tincture of willow bark can also be prepared by letting 3 parts powdered willow bark steep for 10 days in 10 parts alcohol; it should then be filtered. The dose is 5 drops in a spoon of water one to four times a day.

Fr. Johannes Künzle wrote of Willow:

Old people whose legs are weak, because of old age or because of an illness could strengthen their legs in frequent foot baths in boiled willow bark. The basket weavers sell bark cheaply

Jolanta Wittib writes of Willow:

Willow bark together with Meadowsweet is part of Bayer Aspirin. As I am always careful to have enough willow bark and Meadowsweet at home, I use only my homemade “Aspirin”.

In spring, just before the buds start opening I cut a few two or three year old twigs from a willow. The twigs are thinner than the thickness of a finger. I peel the bark, cut it into 1 cm pieces, dry it well and store it in tightly closed dark jars or in a dark place.

Whenever I have fever, flu, pains in joints or muscles or a headache, I make a decoction/infusion: I soak 1 spoon of powdered willow bark in 1 Liter of cold water for half an hour, then heat it on a very low heat for another 20-30 minutes, but do not bring it to a boil. I add a spoon of dried meadowsweet and I might add some lemon verbena or lemon balm or lavender for a better taste and a better sleep. I let the infusion soak for 10 minutes, strain it, pour into thermos and drink half a cup or a cup every three, four hours. I know, I have to wait for the soothing effect of the remedy, as it has to pass through the “chemical factory” of my body before the healing substances of the plants start to work, but then the healing powers start working.

A quicker version is making an infusion: pour 500 ml of very hot, but not boiling water onto 1 teaspoon of powdered willow bark and 1 teaspoon of powdered meadow sweet, leave 15 minutes to draw and drink many times a day.

Well, this is my way of getting rid of infections with fever without ruining my stomach.

Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests states:

SALICACEAE. {The Willow Tribe.)

Bark generally astringent, tonic and stomachic.

BLACK OE SWAMP WILLOW, {Salix nigra, L.) Grows along streams; Eichland ; vicinity of Charleston ; collected in St. John's; Newbern. Fl. May. Bell's Pract. Diet. 403; U. S. Disp. 622. See work of younger Michaux, Ball, and Gar. Mat. Med. 337; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 185; Griffith, Med. Bot. 583 ; Schcepf, Mat. Med. 43; Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, ii, 671. The willow is supposed to furnish us with one of the best substitutes for Peruvian bark ; the S. alba, which may be included among the many varieties found in the Southern States, and which are not yet accurately distinguished, seems to be held in high estimation. But this species, also, is considered valuable; the bark possessing some power as a purgative, anti-intermittent and vermifuge. It also furnishes the principle called salicin, which, from the results of late experiments, is found to be much less valuable than quinia, but is a good bitter tonic. See Journal Phil. Coll. Pharm. for the mode of preparation. The bark of the root and branches is officinal It is tonic and somewhat astringent. The decoction made with one ounce of bark to one pint of boiling water, of which the dose is two fluid ounces, should be boiled ten minutes, and strained while hot. Dose of salicin from two to eight grains and increased. It might well attract attention as a substitute for quinine. The large stems of this tree are light and durable, and are used for the timbers of boats. There are several other species in the Southern States. The willow—osier willow, (see article in Farmer and Planter, Sept., 1861,) is cultivated extensively in Germany, France and Belgium for making baskets, hats, screens, etc., etc. After most careful experiment it has been found that the best species to introduce into the Southern States for the purpose, are the Salix forbeyana, Salix purpurea, purple willow and Salix triandra, long-leaved willow. Forbes' willow is very productive and hardy, one of the most valuable species for common work, where unpeeled rods are used. It does not whiten well.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898 tells us:

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—Willow bark is tonic, antiperiodic, and an astringent bitter. It has been given in intermittents, dyspepsia, connected with debility of the digestive organs, passive hemorrhages, chronic mucous discharges, in convalescence from acute diseases, and in worms. Although occasionally substituted for the cinchona bark, it is inferior in activity. In chronic diarrhoea and dysentery, the tonic and astringent combination of the willow renders it very eligible. It may be given in substance, in doses of 1 drachm of the powder, repeated as indicated; or of the decoction, 1 or 2 fluid ounces, 4 or 5 times a day. The decoction has also proved efficient as a local application to foul and indolent ulcers.

Plants for A Future states:

Medicinal use of Black Willow: The bark is anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antiperiodic, antiseptic, astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, hypnotic, sedative, tonic. It has been used in the treatment of gonorrhoea, ovarian pains and nocturnal emissions. The bark of this species is used interchangeably with S. alba. It is taken internally in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, gout, inflammatory stages of auto-immune diseases, diarrhoea, dysentery, feverish illnesses, neuralgia and headache. The bark can be used as a poultice on cuts, wounds, sprains, bruises, swellings etc. The bark is removed during the summer and dried for later use. The leaves are used internally in the treatment of minor feverish illnesses and colic. The leaves can be harvested throughout the growing season and are used fresh or dried. The fresh bark contains salicin, which probably decomposes into salicylic acid (closely related to aspirin) in the human body. This is used as an anodyne and febrifuge and as an ingredient of spring tonics.

Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs states:

Willow bark is used by herbalists as an anodyne, antipyretic, astringent, detergent, tonic, antiperiodic and antiseptic. It is useful for headache, neuralgia, hay fever, fever, pain and inflammation of joints (like aspirin).

In Weiner’s Herbal, herbalist Michael Weiner recommended a decoction of 1 teaspoon of white willow bark slowly boiled in 1 ½ pints of water in a covered container for 30 minutes. After slowly cooling, it should be drunk a mouthful or tablespoonful at a time, “As needed to promote sweating in chills and fever.”

Peterson Field Guides Eastern and Central Medicinal Plants tells us:

White Willow: the bark of this Willow and other willows with very bitter and astringent bark has traditionally been used for diarrhea, fevers, pain, arthritis, rheumatism; poultice or wash used for corns, cuts, cancers, ulcers, Poison Ivy rash, etc. Salicylic acid, derived from salicin found in the bark, is a precursor to the most widely used semi synthetic drug, acetyl salicylic acid aspirin, which reduces pain, inflammation, and fever. Aspirin reduce reduces risk of heart disease in males; Experimentally, delays cataract formation.

Botany In a Day states:

Willow is a commonly known wilderness medicine due to its aspirin like qualities. It is used for headaches, fevers, hay fever, neuralgia, and inflammation of the joints. Some of the salicylic acid is excreted in urine, making it useful as an analgesic to the urethra and bladder.

The Physicians’ Desk Reference for Herbal Medicine tells us:

The efficacy of the drug is due mainly to the proportion of salicin present. After splitting of the acyl residue, the salicin glycosides converted to salicin, the precursor of salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is antipyretic, antiphlogistic come in analgesic. White Willow bark is the phototherapeutic precursor to salicylic acid aspirin. The salicin component is responsible for the anti-inflammatory an antipyretic affects the tannin content has astringent property on mucous membranes. Indications and usage approved by Commission E: rheumatism and pain. Salicin is useful in diseases accompanied by fever, rheumatic elements, headache and pain caused by inflammation. Unproven uses: folk medicine uses include toothache, gout, gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea and wound healing. Contra indications: Willow bark is contraindicated in patients that have a hypersensitivity to salicylate. Salicylate should not be used in children with flu like symptoms due to the association of salicylates with Reye’s syndrome. Patients with active gastric or duodenal ulcer, hemophilia, asthma, or diabetes should avoid willow bark preparations. Salicylate should be avoided during pregnancy. Salicylate's have been associated with rashes and breast-fed infants; Use is not recommended. General: no health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Stomach complaints could occur as a side effect due to the tanning content.

This article is an excerpt from The Medicinal Trees of the American South, An Herbalist's Guide: by Judson Carroll

His New book is:

Read About: 

Medicinal Ferns and Fern Allies, an Herbalist's Guide 

Southern Appalachian Herbs: Medicinal Ferns and Fern Allies, an Herbalist's Guide (Medicinal Plants of The American Southeast)

Available for purchase on Amazon:

His new cookbook is:

Read About The Omnivore’s Guide to Home Cooking for Preppers, Homesteaders, Permaculture People and Everyone Else"


Available for purchase on Amazon:


His other works include:

Medicinal Shrubs and Woody Vines of The American Southeast An Herbalist's Guide

Read about Medicinal Shrubs and Woody Vines of The American Southeast An Herbalist's Guide: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2022/06/medicinal-shrubs-and-woody-vines-of.html

Available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B2T4Y5L6

Growing Your Survival Herb Garden for Preppers, Homesteaders and Everyone Else

Read About Growing Your Survival Herb Garden for Preppers, Homesteaders and Everyone Else: http://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2022/04/growing-your-survival-herb-garden-for.html

Available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09X4LYV9R

The Encyclopedia of Bitter Medicinal Herbs:


Available for purchase on Amazon: 


Christian Medicine, History and Practice:


Available for purchase on Amazon: www.amazon.com/dp/B09P7RNCTB

Herbal Medicine for Preppers, Homesteaders and Permaculture People


Also available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09HMWXL25

Look Up: The Medicinal Trees of the American South, An Herbalist's Guide


The Herbs and Weeds of Fr. Johannes Künzle:


Author: Judson Carroll. Judson Carroll is an Herbalist from the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.

His weekly articles may be read at judsoncarroll.com

His weekly podcast may be heard at: www.spreaker.com/show/southern-appalachian-herbs

He offers free, weekly herb classes: https://rumble.com/c/c-618325


The information on this site is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or condition. Nothing on this site has been evaluated or approved by the FDA. I am not a doctor. The US government does not recognize the practice of herbal medicine and their is no governing body regulating herbalists. Therefore, I'm just a guy who studies herbs. I am not offering any advice. I won't even claim that anything I write is accurate or true! I can tell you what herbs have "traditionally been used for." I can tell you my own experience and if I believe an herb helped me. I cannot, nor would I tell you to do the same. If you use any herb I, or anyone else, mentions you are treating yourself. You take full responsibility for your health. Humans are individuals and no two are identical. What works for me may not work for you. You may have an allergy, sensitivity or underlying condition that no one else shares and you don't even know about. Be careful with your health. By continuing to read my blog you agree to be responsible for yourself, do your own research, make your own choices and not to blame me for anything, ever.

Show 229: Spring Ephemerals

  Listen to "Show 229: Spring Ephemerals" on Spreaker. In this episode I discuss 10 plants that are coming into flower right now: ...