Sunday, September 6, 2020

Class Notes from Lesson 1-7 Constitutional

 Lesson 1-7:

Sodium Potassium Pump - Sodium on the outside, Potassium on the inside. ATP required to move sodium out and potassium in. Sodium carries sugars and such into the cell. If sodium isn't pumped out, the cell swells with water and explodes.

Bio-electricity. As sodium moves in and potassium moves out, it charges the outside of the membrane with a positive charge and the inside of the membrane with a negative charge. So, cells are like little electric generators.

When nerve function is tested with electrical stimulation, once the right voltage is found, the nerve is stimulated.. Electrical charge causes voltage regulated sodium channels to open. Sodium rushes in and makes the charge of the membrane negative on the outside and positive on the inside. (de-polarized) Sodium gates close. Potassium gates open. potassium comes out. The charge then reverses to positive on the outside again. (re-polarized).

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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