Lesson 1.8
Directional terms... superior (above), inferior (below), anterior (in front of), posterior (behind), medial (closer to the middle) , lateral (further from the middle), intermediate (between), proximal (closer an other attached body part), distal (farther away from the attachment), superficial (toward the surface) and deep to (toward the inside of the body).
He says that learning this jargon is important to talk with doctors. I speak Latin, so I can do that..... but I've had almost universally bad experiences with arrogant, ignorant and incompetent doctors (medical error, or worse, has been responsible for nearly every death in my family over the last 20 years)... so I can... but I probably won't. I love good doctor. But, the last one I found was over 20 years ago and he was an 85 year old GP (who also had degrees in art, history, architecture, paleontology, archeology, botany... and owned a restaurant and a farm!!!!). I'm not impressed by those who think they learned everything in med school, hold themselves superior to others and "just work so hard" keeping up with medical journals. But, I got kicked out of Permies for holding that position. The mod didn't even give me a chance to debate or discuss - just, "My wife is a doctor and a god and you are an idiot!" (paraphrased).... and now you know why I try to be very patient and understanding in my role as a mod on The Grow Network.
Kidney/urinary tract anatomy. Urinary tract regulates chemical composition of the blood. Regulation of fluid. Kidney deficient means you will not hold in enough water and your blood pressure will be too low.... light headed when you stand up (also happens when you are dehydrated). Kidney excess means the kidneys hold in too much water and causes high blood pressure.
Digestive system. Breaks down food. Extracts nutrients. Optimum nutrition means optimal energy and better health.
Nervous System. Central Nervous System. Peripheral Nervous System. Body's messaging system.
Skeletal System. Bones, cartilage and joints. Provides structure, leverage, makes blood cells and stores minerals. More than half of people in the US deficient in Magnesium.
Respiratory system. Lungs, nasal cavity, larynx, trachea, bronchia, He discusses inflammation, "..itis". Swelling, heat, redness, pain. Upper respiratory and Lower respiratory. Upper is in the sinuses/head cold. Lower is lungs. Good point on how drinking stuff doesn't help laryngitis much... you have to breathe it in our out.
Reproductive, skin, vascular and a bit more just skimmed over.
Long lesson.
Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course
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