Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Class Notes from Lesson 12 Constitutional

 Lesson 12

This is the last lesson in Constitutional. MM just discusses how to use the patient intake forms. https://www.swsbm.com/school/files/cc/Lesson%2012%20Patient%20Intake%20Set.pdf

1) Find out their primary complaint. 2) Take an organ system evaluation and formulate a tonic to strengthen deficiencies.

Primary complaint is usually an excess caused by organ system deficiency. Don't start by treating the complaint. Start by strengthening deficiency. Make a tonic that excludes the primary complaint. Only after that, consider treating the primary complaint - proper treatment could be herbs, meditation, emotional, surgery, whatever is appropriate. You still have to do a tonic to strengthen and enable the person to heal.

Teas work well if the person can't use alcohol, and if alcohol may cause a candida infection.

If the tonic herbs cause distress, they are wrong. Watch for adverse reactions. Either reduce amount of tonic taken or change the herbs.

Any tonic that creates new symptoms is wrong.

Look for imbalances that are obvious and don't fret about those that are not.

Don't try to use a single herb for everything, look for herbs that have multiple functions.

On the intake forms, there are blanks to the left and blanks to the right beside each question. Left is Excess, Right is Deficiency.

Beyond that... people are odd, quirky individuals.

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course


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