Monday, September 7, 2020

Class Notes from Lesson 2-6 Constitutional

 Lesson 2-6: Autonomic and Androgenic Stress

Question and answer session with group - review. Wow, Howie is bad with names! Nice Country Joe and the Fish reference - actually a pretty awesome band, very badly represented by radio. The live album may have been the best psychedelic blues rock album of the genre.... even if they weren't as consitently good as the Moby Grape... Then, there is a minor rant about elective surgeries for cosmetic conditions in which he mentions how much he likes his shirt.... awful shirt, IMHO, BTW.... I finally realized who he reminds me of, "Jim Ignatowski" (sp) in the show, "Taxi".. Christopher Lloyd. Anyway.. that is what I have gleaned from the first 40 minutes...

In a stress reaction, overall the blood is shunted to heart, lungs, brain and muscles. General constriction of veins and arteries raises blood pressure but those areas constrict less. 

He says that doctors are no longer taught how to listen to hearts or most other hands on, physical tests.  That is troubling. A doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine learned how to feel the pulse in various places, with varying pressure/depth, and can diagnose many things from that.  

Smooth muscles have stretch receptors that trigger wavy contractions in lumen. Peristaltic waves. Tenesmus is band like contractions, like a cramp.

Here is info on Henbane

I couldn't understand the herb he said that 7song recommends.

I tried the pressing on the liver thing he showed.... I didn't feel any swelling or anything... so I've got that going for me ;-p

Liver breaks down stored sugar. Glycogenolysis. Gluconeogenesis - making sugar. Liver makes sugar from fat.  

Gallbladder stores and concentrates bile. Bile made in liver.

More handouts we don't get to see.... I take it this one is on the excretory system.  

Kidneys filter urine. Speaking of which... wow Howie LIVES on Emergen-C!  I think t hat is what he keeps putting in his water, any way

Vaso constriction of the renal artery due to adrenaline stress.

Rennin secretion. He says page 126 in the book. I think he means the physiology coloring book.... I still don't have one. RAS rennin angiotensin pathway

Rennin is secreted due to a sudden loss of blood pressure by kidneys. Liver makes angiotensinogen. The two combine and and become angiotensin 1. Lungs turn angiotensin 1 into angiotensin 2 via an enzyme. 

Angiotensin 2 is a direct vaso constrictor. Immediate, system wide vaso constriction. Spikes blood pressure. Keeps you from passing out. That is why kidney deficiency can cause low blood pressure/light-headedness

Also releases aldosterone from adrenal cortex. Causes kidneys to hold in water - slower, long lasting blood pressure increase. Also releases anti-diuretic hormone - stops peeing - increases blood pressure.  

Causes increased platelet aggregation. Makes blood clot more. Also causes increased sympathetic discharge, which makes the kidneys make more rennin, which triggers more adrenaline. 

Enzyme from lungs that converts angiotensin is Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, or ACE. ACE Inhibitor drugs lower blood pressure.  

Ureter. Sympathetic causes band like contractions in ureter under stress.  

Bladder. Relaxes under sympathetic stimulation.  Stretch receptors in bladder. Squeezes when full.  

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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