Monday, September 7, 2020

Class Notes from Lesson 2-9 Constitutional

 Lesson 2-9: Nervous system drug effects

Multiple cholinergic receptors. Acetylcholine turns all on. Nicotine only turns on some. Muscarine turns on some. Etc. Nicotine stimulates both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, depending on what is predominantly active at the time. Can be simulative or relaxing.

Interesting addiction analogy. He says "it is like being in love with someone who doesn't love you back." Odd. I've smoked off an on for years, never addicted. I was physically hooked on pain killers following a back injury... I guess I wasn't psychologically hooked. I never craved or longed for the pills. I just went through pain and sleeplessness, increased heart rate, sweating, etc. I was recently dumped my my girlfriend... that SUCKS! Being dumped is WAAAAAY worse than quitting opiates or tobacco... at least, for me. But, I never had all kinds of hopes and dreams associated with pills, alcohol or tobacco... never thought I'd have kids and grow old with a Honduran, maduro cigar. When I went cold turkey on opiates, I went 11 days and nights without sleep due to pain and agitation. I got dumped 12 weeks ago and haven't slept more than a couple of nights since... So, if quitting cigarettes really is like getting dumped for most people, that sucks.

Lobelia. Lobeline is the same "shape" as nicotine, so it fits into nicotinic receptor sites. I've used lobelia plenty for asthma. I agree, it feels like tobacco. Several folks I've recommended it to to quit smoking have tried it and it worked. He says lobelia is safer than some books say. I agree. I've often eaten the whole plant when struck with asthma in the woods. It smokes fine if you like REALLY strong tobacco... and I do! When I use tobacco, I want the heaviest, darkest, strongest leaf I can get. Like an old mountain man told me once, when he saw me buying natural burley tobacco twist, "Son, that'll knock your pecker into your pocket watch!" Well, he says that fresh obelia works great, dried lobelia is mainly lobeline and will make you puke or be too strong. Fresh lobelia is cholinergic and parasympathomimetic. Wow, from what Howie says, he must be crazy "wired" like amped up all the time! Lobelia calms him down. He does seem to lack patience.

Muscarinic... This is muscarine like in some trippy mushrooms, like amanita muscaria. Those are the red ones with little "corn flakes" on them. They are waaaaay stronger than psilocybin mushrooms. Some folks think that many of the world's religions were based son visions from those mushrooms. Muscarine has many medicinal effects. Lowers blood pressure. Some folks say they are useful for psychological issues. I don't know. I had a friend who was very into psychedelic substances for all sorts of spiritual and psychological reasons... one day he went on a trip from which he never returned. A once brilliant and talented guy has been like a lobotomized zombie for the last 20 years. Based on his experience and another friend who just became "schizoid"... still functioning but... sensitive..... like on the verge of break down every moment, and prone to delusions (but still one heck of a good bass player!).... I find it too risky. Used medicinally and wisely, I'm sure they have their place. "Heroic doses" are rarely safe.

Belladonna. Dilates the pupils but does not stop sympathetic responses. Adrenaline takes over.

Anticholinergics good for some poisons.

Datura, Henbane, Bittersweet Nightshade, Aconite, Belladonna... one other I couldn't hear (garia?). They can kill you. "The difference between poison and medicine is dosage."

Overdose on belladonna: Dry mouth and lungs, decreased sweating, dilation of pupils, fast heartbeat (tachycardia), can't pee, GI tract stops moving, can't digest.... then, if you take more, death. Aconite is stronger and worse - death in 20 minutes. Take a drop at a time until your mouth begins to dry, then reduce dosage, so you don't die or kill someone.

Anticholinergics may be positively adrenergic.

Howie asks, "Will a cigarette help a bowel movement?" ... and we are back to the classic Permaculture answer, "It depends."

23 year old client presents with organophosphate poisoning from accidental exposure in green house. Inactivates acetylcholinesterase. Cramping. Can cause death. Need anticholinergic to turn off acetylcholine. Howie used datura - told her to smoke it. That also works for severe asthma, btw. Like one puff, maybe two. If your mouth gets dry, STOP!

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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