Thursday, September 10, 2020

Class Notes from Lesson 3-3 Constitutional

 Lesson 3-3: Constitutional overview, upper GI

Starts with smell and taste. Salivary glands. Enzymes, amylase breaks down starch. Minerals and lysozymes, break down things. Antibacterial. Saliva necessary for digestive, mouth and tooth health. Dry mouth means bad teeth. GI deficiency, kidney deficiency, stress and dehydration can cause dry mouth.

Esophagus. Stomach. Sphincters. Gastrin is hormone that goes into the blood, then back into the stomach to cause hydrochloric acid to secrete. Breaks down, kills germs. Stimulates bile and further digestion in small intestine. Activate pepsin which breaks down proteins. Mucus coating protects stomach. Alcohol and aspirin are absorbed in stomach.

Mesenteric web brings blood to GI tract and brings food substances to the liver through portal vein. Liver filters blood. Not main source of nutrient absorption. Portal vein can sow due to bad diet.

Upper GI upper and lower deficiency and excess. How to use MM's books. Be sure to download the .pdf that goes with this lesson.

Adrenaline stress and alcohol cause upper GI deficiency. Upper GI deficiency causes lower GI deficiency. Liver deficiency causes upper GI deficiency.

Anabolic stress causes upper GI excess. Liver excess causes upper GI excess. Upper GI excess causes lower GI excess.

Adrenaline stress causes CNS excess, causing cramps in musculo-skeletal system, causes GI, liver and kidney and thin mucus deficiency.

Black Cohosh taken for hot flashes in menopause. Less estrogen causes hot flashes. Black Cohosh does not contain estrogen. Black Cohosh looks/smells like estrogen to the body - estrogen like compounds, but very mild. That causes the body to "squirt" less gluttonizing hormone, that causes hot flashes. Or, maybe it balances progesterone by blocking estrogen receptors. Maybe it does both. Maybe it does something else. If it works, use.

Understanding of physiology is always changing.

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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