Friday, September 11, 2020

Class Notes from Lesson 4-2 Constitutional

 Lesson 4-2 Lower GI Deficiencies

I am going to do this one a bit today and the rest tomorrow... it is 1:2 minutes long!

Stress has little influence on the small intestine. Liver recycles used red blood cells. Submucosa of small intestine begins to process stuff before liver - "pre-organizing". Liver tonics also effect submucosa and skin because they are similar tissue. Liver sorts it all out to use nutrients and remove toxins. Portal blood is an isolated circulatory system in the digestive system. Vit A, D and E, B12 and Folic acid are absorbed in lower ilium, the last foot of the small intestine. If fat has not been absorbed before, it will block absorption of essential fatty acids. Small intestine absorbs bile acids for re-use in ilium.

*** Lesson 4-2 continued***

What is left then goes into large intestine through ileocecal valve. ileocecal valve prevents bacteria from entering small intestine - it is never "stuck open". Intestinal flora break things down further allowing for absorption of nutrients that are left and turning it into feces. Vit K almost entirely produced by gut flora, as is much folic acid and superoxide dismutase.

Discussion of soluble fibers - jello or pectin. Cecum breaks down pectin, creating free fatty acids that feed the mucus membranes of the colon. Many dessert seeds, legumes and grains contain soluble fibers. Orchard apples (natural/real... not from grocery store) are high in pectin, are related fruits.... pears, quince, etc. I'm assuming any fruit in the rose family. Lack of soluble fiber causes erosion of colon membrane... polyps, hemorrhoids, ulcers and other colon diseases. Processed and institutional/hospital food lacks soluble fiber. Soluble fiber also helps with emotional problems like anxiety. Gut health and brain health connected.

Colon's main function is to remove water and gas from feces. Blood flow to colon is limited. Methane produced has caloric value. Defecation reflex is parasympathetic and can be disrupted by adrenaline stress. Again, relax and enjoy eating.

Constipation is a sign of colon deficiency.

I'm not a morning person either. School was hell for me and and I was basically semi-conscious until lunch. I think everyone was amazed when I started college and could schedule my classes later in the day.... suddenly a D student in high school drop out became an A student in nearly every class! Unfortunately, all my math classes prior to college had been in the mornings... mostly with teachers who were fairly inept (I had some truly awful, even abusive teachers). So, I never learned math. I maintained only a 3.75 GPA in college due to being unable to do even middle school algebra. This Jan, I began taking high school math (again) online... classes at 3:30 pm daily. What do you know? Suddenly even I can learn math - 97% average on all tests so far.

So, yep I agree that people who are not morning people by nature do not fit modern western schedules. And yes, that does effect digestion.

I also agree that women have stronger will power. I've also observed many women doing them selves extreme harm through extreme drive and self control, perfectionism, rigidity, etc. Men and women are very different - MM goes into a lot of detail on this point.

Deficiency can also be caused by poor absorption of fats. He says too much fat... but that is very dependent on genetics - see the Inuit. So, the wrong diet for you, stress, lack of sleep, eating too late, too much alcohol, etc. Dehydration also causes constipation. Adrenaline stress causes dehydration.

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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