Friday, September 11, 2020

Class Notes from Lesson 4-3 Constitutional

 Lesson 4-3 Lower GI Deficiencies 2

Geesh... and hour and 47 minutes!

Don't normally try to treat natural excesses. Excess kidney would be an example where you would, so would thyroid. Thyroid stress can be a persons nature - presents with elevated waking/resting heart rate, loose stool and easy sweating.

Dark, soft stool is excess.

Constipation. Hemorrhoids. Irritable bowel. Frequent need for laxatives and coated tongue. All signs of deficiency. Constipation with gas or just constipation is deficient.

Macrophages can cause a break down of the lower ilium membrane "tattering" - caused by dysbiosis ( Can cause crohn's disease and Inflammatory Bowel, especially when one lives in a very clean environment, with no parasites.

Long, wide ranging discussion on pharm companies, dietary supplement companies, a group he likes called "Life Extension" and how most folks who work in health food stores and vitamin shops don't know much. I worked at certain chain vitamin and herb store for a year or two in college. I spent every spare minute reading every book and learning everything I could.... I got fired for knowing more than the store manger... she felt threatened when customers came in and asked specifically for me and only wanted to talk with me. She accused me of recommending a supplement or herb to treat a condition. I didn't. I was always very careful to word things right. But, I got an actual pink slip and an official report saying I was never to be hired by the company again! I was fired from a few other jobs, but that one was particularly nasty with the implication that if I complained I'd be accused of all sorts of bad stuff. Well, I wasn't going to sue over a job that paid barely more than minimum wage.... just another nudge to be self-employed.

Some good points on diet and dietary fads/obsessions.

How to manage fats for dysbiosis.

So, MM had incurable kidney disease, which is why he was so unhealthy in spite of his herbal/health knowledge.

Gut/gallbladder. digestive enzymes atrophy when you don't eat or are fed intravenously.

Rarely, a section of the colon has no nerve and causes constipation and ballooning of "blank space" of colon. Rumex/yellow dock is his favorite sub-laxative, long term tonic herb. It tightens the structure and enhances function through bile secretion. Works well to move stuff through a "blank space".

Lower GI deficiencies due to stress, primary herbs. For constipation due to adrenaline stress

Rumex. Licorice - shifts execratory fluids to colon and lungs. He likes licorice as tea. I'd like to make some into Swedish style slated licorice candy... bitter, salty, slightly sweet, colored with charcoal... wonderful stuff if you really love licorice and complex, odd, bitter flavors! Buckbean, gentian.... bitters. Cascara segrada. Senna for emergency blockage.

***************** ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH (silent scream).... I've listened to an hour and a half on pooping... and it still isn't over! Maybe I'm weird. 99% of the time, I go within 30 minutes to an hour of waking up... done in about a minute and don't spend my life thinking about it! If I need a little help, I have an extra glass of kombucha and eat some greens. I've spent more time thinking about poop during the past two classes than I have in the last 20+ years. For Pete's sake! ******************

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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