Friday, September 11, 2020

Class Notes from Lesson 4-6 Constitutional

Lesson 4-6. Liver 2, stress

While we are active the liver lets things out. While we sleep it builds things back up for the following day. Liver is enzyme center of body. It regulates breaking down and building up. Other cells in other parts of the body do some similar things but on a smaller scale. Liver tonics affect similar tissue in other parts of the body. Women less affected by hepatitis - stronger livers and more kidney surface area. Using Oregon grape root for liver also stimulates protein synthesis/nitrogen metabolism in small intestine and skin.

Liver deficient symptoms" dry skin and mucosa. Atopic allergies of the skin, sinuses and bronchial mucosa. Poor fat and protein metabolism and appetite... less interest in large, fatty meals. Allergies can be a sign of liver deficiency. Most allergies inherited - too much immunoglobulin E. MM recommends a diet of real, home cooked meat, veggies and starches. Preference for sweet food to fats and proteins. Labile (rapidly shifting) blood sugar levels. Blood sugar problems, allergies, constipation. Snack food to increase energy.

I make my own salsa and pico from scratch - tomato, onion, garlic, cilantro, lemon, hot peppers, salt and pepper.... so I don't think my snacks fit his opinion of "chips and salsa" being worse for you than cigarettes....

Liver deficiency can be acquired through use of solvents, heavy drinking or bad diet. But usually, it is part of one's constitution.

Adrenalin stress diminishes liver function. Humans adapted to stress for survival. Now that we are more comfortable, we create stress.

Turns out MM had anger issues.... Odd how many hippie and "intellectual professor" types I've known that who are extremely passive aggressive and ultra angry/selfish/petulant just under the surface. "Like we all need to be gentle and kind and get along man, no judgement... but I will F'n kill you if you disagree with me!" Most often they just try to destroy your reputation by spreading lies and negativity behind your back.... wow, do they love their "faceless bureaucracies" that can punish people through regulations... Property Owners' Associations, various boards and agencies.... masters of by-law, shunning and back-stabbing.... all while smiling and acting superior.

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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