Monday, September 14, 2020

Class Notes from Lesson 5-1 Constitutional

 Lesson 5-1: Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance

New teacher for this one - Paul Bergner. Lots of credentials, author of lots of books.

He developed insulin resistance at age 40.... began gaining 10 lbs a year even running and exercising 10 hours a week. Insulin resistance is root cause of many modern diseases - heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, various cancers, etc. He says it is caused by modern diet and lack of exercise.

After a meal, blood becomes nutrient rich (not just blood sugar). Pancreases secretes insulin. Insulin binds to cells. Protein receptors in cells then allow nutrients into cell. As nutrient content in blood is used up, pancreases stops secreting insulin. In insulin resistance, the insulin binds to the cell, but nothing happens... so more insulin keeps being secreted until finally the cell lets some nutrients in. Or, insulin isn't binding to the cell at all, due to chromium deficiency. Higher than normal levels of insulin remain in bloodstream for a longer time. Supplemental chromium can sometimes correct problem. New medical discovery - insulin resistance only began to be taught in medical textbooks in 1999, but was identified in the 1970s. Called the Metabolic Syndrome.

Insulin resistant cells do not perform intended function well. Epithelial cells in arteries, colon, breast, etc never become insulin resistant. Elevated insulin levels over feed non-insulin resistant cells. This leads to atherosclerosis and cancer through oxidative damage. The tumor is not insulin resistant, so will be fed 4 times more nutrients and grows. Insulin suppresses growth hormone, which leads to long bone growth.

Insulin resistance causes: Abdominal obesity - fat accumulation around level of naval. "Beer belly" is really insulin resistance. Causes hypertension in about half of cases of hypertension. Causes abnormal blood lipids - high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol. Blood insulin can be measured by differential in triglycerides and HDL. Atherosclerosis due to oxidative damage. Causes blood to become thick and sticky and reduces clotting time. Leads to heart attack. Causes about half of cancer and heart attack deaths in America. Causes type 2 diabetes, but 80% of people with insulin resistance never develop diabetes. Drugs and herbs to lower blood sugar in diabetics can increase insulin and make problems worse long term. Cancers are specifically breast, colon and prostate. Neurological damage and senility. Polycystic ovarian syndrome and infertility.

How to diagnose. Triglycerides above 150. Cholesterol below 40 for male or 50 for female. Waist to hip ratio - abdominal fat. Increase of fat mass and wasting of muscle mass. Big belly and no butt. Waist larger than hips. Waist larger than 40 inches for male or 35 inches for female. 25% of population has high genetic predisposition. Higher in Native Americans. 40% are moderately predisposed.


Too little Omega 3 Fatty Acids, like fish oils, ALA converts to DHA which is anti-diabetic. Average American diet is severely lacking. ALA from plants requires consuming 30 times more than from fish oil.... that is A LOT OF FLAX! The fish must eat a natural diet - not farmed. Deer and elk, grass fed beef, etc.... anything that eats green stuff, is very high in ALA. So, my diet based on wild meat and fish is pretty much ideal in this regard.

Too much Omega 6 fatty acid from plant based fats, especially cooking oils like corn and safflower, etc. Once again, "praise the lard!" Too much Omega 6 to Omega three causes major inflammation.

Trans fatty acids - margarine, crisco... horrible stuff. Some don't even melt in your body. Get into and disables cell membranes.

Deficiencies of chromium, magnesium, zinc and B vitamins

Lack of trained/exercised muscle mass. Trained muscle is insulin sensitive. Flabby muscle is insulin resistant.

Foods with high glycemic index - foods that raise blood sugar.

Stress. Cortisol raises blood sugar.

Insufficient protein in diet. Animal based protein is essential for human health. Insufficient protein is far more common in modern diet than excess protein. People with insulin resistance must eat abundant protein.

Sleep deprivation. Just 4 nights of sleep deprivation can cause diabetes level insulin resistance. The average person needs 8 and 1/2 hours sleep. Sleep absolutely essential, at least 8 hours - more better.

Vegetarian diet can lead to insulin resistance over long term.

High sugar breakfast, followed by snacks between lousy, high carb meals.


Low glycemic diet, resistance exercise and supplements of fish oil, chromium, magnesium, zinc and B vitamins. Coffee helps control blood sugar and helps prevent colon cancer.

White bread causes higher glucose spike than pasta made with same flour. I do love pasta!

Now, I am off to bake a beautiful wild caught salmon with lemon, celery leaves and onions, broccoli in butter with oyster sauce, a fresh tomato with olive oil and cracked pepper, green peas with bacon fat, mashed potatoes with garlic, butter, sour cream, mayo, parm and parsley... a couple of glasses of wine, maybe a tangerine... and an early bedtime. I wish I had some fennel... maybe tomorrow. "let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates Oh, I almost forgot the pre-meal bitters!

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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