Monday, September 14, 2020

Class Notes from Lesson 5-2 Constitutional

 Lesson 5-2: Metabolic Syndrome 2 - Diet, Supplements and Glycemic Index

2 hour lesson. Paul Bergner

Insulin resistance changes rapidly with dietary change and exercise - within a week to a month.

Sugar is addictive and one can develop tolerance to it, has withdrawal period. He says that people don't think in long sentences or write complex paragraphs anymore due to sugar addiction. I don't eat much sugar or simple carbs... and I definitely don't write or speak like most people (although I can be concise in note taking)... so maybe he is right... who know?

History of sugar cartels and how it shaped colonialism, slavery and the history of the western world. Several books written on this... so if you've read them, you could skip this part. By 1900, Americans were eating 100 lbs of white sugar per year. Now, it is 160.

From 1990 to 1996, diabetes increased by 40%. Don't change diet, etc for a diabetic without cooperation of doctor. If their blood sugar changes, the meds could cause hypo-glycemic shock.

Given the same amount of calories per meal, eating a high glycemic breakfast causes one to eat twice as many calories at a buffet lunch than having a high protein/low carb breakfast. Keytones are alternate fuel. When you burn up your glycogen, the body burns fat keytones are made. Keytones are the preferred fuel for brain and muscle.

***** Anyone else find it funny that in just the lesson before Paul Bergner took over, MM derided the Atkins diet as ridiculous and unhealthy? Now Bergner is totally proving the fat man with kidney disease, who says to avoid dietary fats wrong.... NEVER STOP LEARNING. BTW, not meant to be an insult to MM- he was brilliant in what he knew, but no one knows everything.******

High glycemic diet and sedentary lifestyle promotes high glycemic diet and sedentary lifestyle.

Nutritional science relatively new. In 1930 only 4 essential minerals were known and it has not been 100 years since the discovery of vitamins. "Normal" blood sugar decided around 1960, when Americans were already eating 50 lbs of sugar a year.

Signs of pre-diabetes: Fasting blood glucose 90-100. 2 hour post meal/fasting blood sugar elevated during stress, 110-120. Any level of hypoglycemia at the 2-5 hour range - big drop off after 2 hours post meal. Triglycerides to HDL. Blood pressure 135 over 95. Waist fat.

Average American blood pressure is 120 over 80 at under 50 yrs. Typical blood pressure reading of hunter-gatherers is 105 -110 over 65-70. Mine is generally in the hunter-gatherer range... "so I've got that going got me".

Insulin resistant IGF in cancer. Insulin Like Growth Factor. IGF participates with growth hormone to make things grow. Hyperinsulinemia causes liver to secrete IGF. Turns off growth hormone. Pre-bedtime snack or sports drink before exercise shuts off growth hormone. IGF also promotes tumor growth. Growth hormone comes in 90 minute spurts. Height of growth hormone spike depends on intensity of exercise - quick sprint causes more than 30 minute jog. Short bursts of exercise maximize growth hormone. 3 2 to 4 minute bursts of intense exercise gives 270 minutes more growth hormone.

Low glycemic diet, supplements and resistance exercise. Dramatically corrects insulin resistance.

Sleep very important. Sleep restores the endocrine balance. Sedative herbs, routine, lack of light before bed.

Eating more protein increases basal metabolism. Our ancestors ate far more protein than we do. Shifting to carbs suppresses basal metabolism.

Discussion on supplements same as yesterday.

Herbs for blood sugar. Gymnema Sylvestre stimulates secretion of insulin.... so not good for insulin resistance. vaccinium corymbosum - unsure what it does.... may poison liver to lower insulin. Devil's Club.... may or may not work, if so, not sure how. Prodigiosa Brickellia lowers blood sugar.... not sure how, may have bad side effects. Fenugreek increases insulin sensitivity in large amounts. Cinnamon increases insulin sensitivity in modest amounts. Mitake Mushroom. Bitter Mellon. Basil.

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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