Sunday, November 15, 2020

Materia Medica Lesson 9-13: Piper Methysticum, Kava Kava

 Kava, is one I LOVE! It relaxes the muscles, calms the nerves and just makes you feel relaxed and good. It also numbs the mouth and throat, so its good for a sore throat. It especially relaxes the neck, which is the main source of my muscle pain. Kava really just fits my personality and nature. It is sedative and anesthetic to bladder and urethra. Good for stress related indigestion and reflux, especially if it flares up when you go to bed... also good to turn off the stress of the day so you can sleep. According to Bill Mollison, if you drink a whole lot of kava beer, the numbness in your mouth gradually spreads through your whole body until you can't feel or move, but it is harmless. I've never had that much! Relaxes body, brain, gut, etc. Anti-anxiety. Kava makes people relaxed, happy and talkative/social, without the volatility (fighting side) of alcohol or the high/giddiness of pot.

PIPER METHYSTICUM (Kava Kava, Ava) ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root 1:2, Recent Dry Root 1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-90 drops to 4X a day. Fluidextract [1:1, 55% alcohol] 10-30 drops. Cold Infusion, 2-6 oz. all to 4X a day. STATUS : W/LA/C



Ophthalmalgia with pain in top and back of eyeball. Neuralgia of middle ear. Cystorrhea. Cystitis, urethritis, for pain. Dysuria from heavy sexual activity. Chronic acidic dysuria, for pain. Acute cystitis/urethritis w/aching in loins, frequent burning and scanty urination. Chronic pyelitis, post lithiasis, painful urination. Ureteralgia. Ulcers, waking pain during first REM period (with Myrica). Duodenal ulcers, with pain shooting to navel. Acute prostatitis, from excessive sexual activity. Subacute/chronic prostatitis, with urethritis. 

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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