Monday, December 7, 2020

Cicuta, Water Hemlock.

 Learn to identify it...a nd avoid it! Very poisonous. "The most toxic vascular plant in North America. It looks and smells like a wonderful parsnip/carrot/angelica/fennel/dill/celery... but grows in wet mud. The vein goes to the crotch, not the tip. DO NOT EAT! Never dig or pick any umbel near the water if you can't differentiate it from hemlock. I'd go even further... never collect any umbel if you aren't sure what it is! Milk thistle may save your life as an anecdote... but you will still be permanently damaged. DO NOT EAT!

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Show 228: Sow Thistle, Spiderwort, Clinopodium and Sweet Fern

Listen to "Show 228: Sow Thistle, Spiderwort, Clinopodium and Sweet Fern" on Spreaker. In this episode I discuss two great wild ed...