Friday, September 11, 2020

Class Notes from Lesson 4-4 Constitutional

 Lesson 4-4 Lower GI Deficiencies Defined

Lower GI Deficiency for a Congestive Nature.

If portal blood is viscous with undigested fats, the liver enlarges to create more surface area. Descending colon blood begins to drain into general circulation. This blood is full of bacteria and toxins and is thick. It backs up venous blood coming up through the legs (pelvic congestion) . Causes varicose veins in inner legs and hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in rectum. Varicose veins on back of legs come from weight and standing... front of legs from injury. Can lead to prostate enlargement. Impaired reproductive function in women.

Primary tonics for lower GI deficiency that is congestive: Rumex and Fouquieria/Ocotillo. Increase soluble fiber - flax, chia, beans, psyllium, quinoa, amaranth, etc. Collinsonia for hemorrhoids

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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