Monday, September 14, 2020

Class Notes from Lesson 5-3 Constitutional

 Lesson 5-3: The Kidneys Part 1

MM is back. I guess there were only two lessons on Metabolic Syndrome. I was wondering what more there could possibly be to say!

Illustrations of kidney anatomy. Descending ureter, pelvis of kidney... Nephrons drain into pelvis of kidney. Pelvis is muscular tube. It fills with bolus of liquid. Once full, peristaltic contraction squeezes urine into the bladder. Nephrons collect in tubules. Nephrons are lined from edge into center. Nephrons collect collect constituents pulled out of blood via a gelatin. Blood pumps into glomerulus (big wad of capillaries) from artery, serum squeezes out, collects in proximal tubule. Desired substances are reabsorbed into veins. Waste is excreted with water.

If your kidneys are not good, you can't make red blood cells.

Discussion of how liver, kidneys and liver keep the blood clean and healthy, oxygenated and alkaline. He runs through a lot of hormones and stuff to fast for me to catch - I'll have to look it up in the coloring book.

Kidneys monitor blood pressure. Creates a substance he said too fast, that constricts blood vessels. So, when you stand up, the blood reaches your brain.

The main point of squeezing serum out of blood is to make subtle shift sin blood chemistry. If blood is thick, it secretes hormone to retain water. Under stress, aldosterone causes sodium to be retained so you don't die. Start the process of making red blood cells. Monitors electrolytes. Removes excess hydrogen ions. Monitors calcium and phosphorus.

Discussion on how the body makes Vit D and how it relates to calcium. Aside on osteoporosis and how female hormone therapy, birth control pills, etc. can cause it. Wild greens high in calcium. High mineral soil is best.

Byproduct is waste - urine. Urine is a tertiary function.... but if you can't pee, you'll be dead in a week or so.

MM discusses his kidney disease and his newfound respect for drug companies and hospitals.... very understandable.

Summary: Kidneys take blood from renal arteries and squeeze it through half a million little filter tubes, which separate the blood into thick protein sludge and watery serum. The watery serum becomes what the nephrons filter. The sludge becomes exiting blood from nephrons. Serum passed through tubules allowing all important constituents to be absorbed back into the blood until the blood is filtered and cleaned. Blood absorbed into veins. Urine extracted. Either sodium or phosphorus are retained due to aldosterone. Balance between acid and alkaline is retained. Kidneys regulates blood pressure. Blood vessels must constrict when you stand and relax when you sit to regulate blood pressure.

Lowering blood pressure can shorten life. High blood pressure is symptom of metabolic imbalance and not a cause of disease.

Kidney's main function is to control blood volume, quality and dispersal.

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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