Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Class Notes from Lesson 6-3 Constitutional

 Lesson 6-3: Reproductive part 3 - Constitutional, Discorea and Osteoporosis


When egg does not pop out of follicle, cyst is formed. Secrets abnormal steroids. Usually shed during next cycle. Like a blister. Scar tissue from cyst can cause later, larger cysts. Red root or dong quai can help prevent scar tissue.

Discussion of how estrogen and progesterone are absorbed and broken down. Wild yam progesterone cream works better than oral hormone replacement .

Long discussion on Wild Yam and Mexican Yam. Progesterone cream now soy derived.

Hormone replacement therapy increases breast and ovarian cancer and blood clots.

Progesterone causes prostaglandin, which causes morning sickness until placenta gets large enough.

ALA and GLA help with prostaglandin. Lack of fatty acids in diets usually cause trouble. Flax oil and such helps. Borage seed, evening primrose, black cumin oils. Liver tonic may help with GLA.

Hormone Replacement Therapy, whether birth control or post menopause, even for acne and such, triggers osteoporosis 10, 15, even 30 years earlier. Heavy aerobic exercise in teens-early 20s can also cause soft bones in women. Weight training increases bone density. Mineral tea - nettles, red clover, alfalfa, mormon tea, etc can help replace calcium even in folks whose absorption of dietary calcium has been disrupted hormonally.


Reproductive Excess: sweat freely with strong scent. Oily skin, facial acne. Cycle less than 28 days. Water retention before menses in hips and breasts. Craves fats and proteins before menses. Sides of breasts tender before menses. Heart palpitation before menses. Menstruation shortened with few cramps. Period early with altitude change.

Reproductive Deficiency: Dry Skin cold hands and feet. Cycle more than 28 days (takes longer to build up estrogen). Water retention before menses in feet and hands. Craves sweets before menses. Missed periods. Slow starting with cramps. Menstruation lengthy with cramps. Frequent class two pap smears. Weakened cervical membrane. History of pelvic inflammatory disease. Estrogen needed at all times in moderate quantities in order to stimulate the regeneration of cervical tissue - always in contact with flora. Miscarriage, problem pregnancy. Period late with altitude change. Tried but could not handle birth control pills. Frequent candida type infections. Frequent herpes outbreaks.


Excess: None mentioned.

Deficiency: Frequent cannabis user - pro estrogenic and diminished testosterone. Pain or ache after orgasm. Lowe testosterone or pelvic congestion. Prostrate hypertrophy. Difficult maintaining erection. Physical inactivity.

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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