Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Class Notes from Lesson 6-4 Constitutional

 Lesson 6-4: Reproductive Deficiency and Excess



Reproductive Deficiency: Dry Skin cold hands and feet. Cycle more than 28 days (takes longer to build up estrogen). Water retention before menses in feet and hands. Craves sweets before menses. Missed periods. Slow starting with cramps. Menstruation lengthy with cramps. Frequent class two pap smears. Weakened cervical membrane. History of pelvic inflammatory disease. Estrogen needed at all times in moderate quantities in order to stimulate the regeneration of cervical tissue - always in contact with flora. Miscarriage, problem pregnancy. Period late with altitude change. Tried but could not handle birth control pills. Frequent candida type infections. Frequent herpes outbreaks. Liver deficiency often present. Anabolic peak of days 21-24 poorly handled, pelvic congestion. Sick a lot. Under stress.

Reproductive Excess: sweat freely with strong scent. Oily skin, facial acne. Cycle less than 28 days. Water retention before menses in hips and breasts. Craves fats and proteins before menses. Sides of breasts tender before menses. Heart palpitation before menses. Menstruation shortened with few cramps. Period early with altitude change. Frequent use of alcohol produces fake excess steroids stay active longer due to interfering with liver activity.


Deficiency: Frequent cannabis user - pro estrogenic and diminished testosterone. Pain or ache after orgasm. Lowe testosterone or pelvic congestion. Prostrate hypertrophy. Difficult maintaining erection. Physical inactivity. Low sperm count. Dry skin. Frequent use of alcohol can produce deficiency.

Testosterone dominant reportative hormone for men. Secreted by Leydig cells in testes. Stimulates by luteinizing hormone. Is pulsed and not moderated systemically. Sertoli cells in testes regulate testosterone by secreting estradiol and androgens. Balance maintains fertility, prostate health and over dominance of testosterone in body. Too much testosterone weakens sperm. So does too little.

Reproductive excess: Hyper-anabolic... tend to burn up available testosterone early.

Good reproductive health is a sign of good overall health.

Herbs for deficiency in both sexes are for better utilization of steroids, better pelvic circulation or effect hypothalamic and pituitary connection. Dong quia - anabolic stimulant for deficiency. Panax secondarily. Dong quia is more focused in increasing uptake of estrogen or testosterone. Circulatory stimulants... I caught Black cohosh. For some reason he likes to say Latin names really fast and does not annunciate... I'll have to look for them in his book.

Finally found it.... I'll just copy and paste... it is in the .pdf titled, HRBENRGT... which makes no sense, since the Title of the book is Principles and Practice of Constitutional Physiology for Herbalists.


ANABOLIC STIMULANT: Angelica sinensis, Caulophyllum, Glycyrrhiza, Paeonia, Panax (all).

CIRCULATORY STIMULANT: Aristolochia (all), Asarum, Asclepias asperula, Cimicifuga, Collinsonia, Corynanthe, Fouquieria, Phytolacca, Ptychopetalum, Solanum dulcamara

HYPOTHALAMUS/PITUITARY STIMULANT: Anemone, Gossypium, Leonurus, Turnera, Vitex


FUNCTIONAL COOLER: Dioscorea, Mitchella, Nuphar, Oenothera Seed, Trillium, Viburnum.

ANABOLIC COOLER: Eleutherococcus, Paeonia, Tribulus, Vitex 

And, then there is general anti-Catholic bigotry.... if you are celibate for any reason, from lack of interest to being a Buddhist monk, that is cool. If you are Catholics, you are a repressed, weird, creepy pervert.... never mind that you are operating the largest charity on earth, that feeds, houses, educates and provides medical care for more people than any government and may have devoted your entire life to service...

Oily skin and hair sign of reproductive excess. Decreased liver function can be false sign of reproductive excess due to hormones not being metabolized.

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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