Saturday, October 10, 2020

Materia Medica Lesson 2-11: Aletris, Helonias, Adulterants, Medicine Bundle, Epipactis

 Aletris is called "true unicorn root", but it is not true unicorn root. The roots are tiny and black hairs and can only be used as a bitter tonic. False Unicorn Root is a reproductive stimulant. Chamaelirium is actually Unicorn Root... I've always known it as Devil's Bit - it grows in my area. ... a large patch grows under the rhododendron, with the mayapples in certain place I know... "So, I've got that going for me, which is nice." Then, MM gives a long discussion on "fake or mislabeled herbs... stuff sold as echinacea and arnica that isn't . Anyway, common names can be confusing. Then, he goes on for like 30 minutes on Arnica... arnica and camphor weed should be used topically btw. Nearly hour spent on counterfeit herbs...


So... for the remaining half hour, we get to the herbs....

No, wait, he's going into the "Medicine Bundle".... some herbs found in Mesa Verde. This is interesting - it is a doctor's kit of herbs, needles and cured guts for sewing up wounds... real, ancient doctor stuff from around 1350 AD. Winter herbs - a lot for respiratory. Yucca (etc) twine for biding. Contained Osha root. Milkweed. Composite root(?). Epipactis root - Stream Orchid. Yucca leaf base.

Aletris is a digestive aid.

Epipactis is substitute for lady slipper. Makes you relaxed.... warming sedative. Lady Slipper orchid is actually really common where I live - almost as ubiquitous as trillium... but, still endangered. But yeah, I can wander in most any direction and find myself in an absolute grove of them. I'll have to look for epipactis... It probably grows by the creeks...

Aletris Materia Medica ALETRIS FARINOSA (Star Grass. "True"(properly "False") Unicorn Root) RHIZOME. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 30-60 drops to 3X a day. Cold Infusion, 1-3 ounces. STATUS : W/Rare


ALETRIS FARINOSA Dyspepsia with flatulence, slow transit time, borborygmus. 

Chamaelirium - Helonias CHAMAELIRIUM (Helonias, Unicorn Root ) RHIZOME and ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 10-40 drops. Best in lower doses in a formula context. STATUS : W/Rare

CHAMAELIRIUM LUTEUM (HELONIAS) Amenorrhea with anemia (used with an astringent douche). Dysmenorrhea, sensations of distention and congestion in uterus and rectum. Leukorrhea, viscous, fetid. Prolapse or atony of the uterus. Miscarriage, impending, with nervous irritability and cramps. Malnutrition w/anemia, dyspepsia, anorexia, poor assimilation, functional pelvic irritability. 

Cypripedium - Lady Slipper CYPRIPEDIUM (Lady Slipper Orchid) ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 20-90 drops, to 3X a day. PLANT IS RARE IN MOST AREAS (and things are not getting any better). Use other medicines whenever possible, such as Epipactis or Valeriana. STATUS : W/Rare!!


Nervous tachycardia. Palpitations, arrhythmias with agitation, neurotic (with Cereus). Insomnia in asthenic individuals or in atonic, debilitated states. Neuralgia in convalescence, debility. Poison ivy/oak (externally and topically). Amenorrhea with depressions. Dysmenorrhea, in general. Menopause, with melancholia after hot flashes. Infant teething, in the otherwise nervous fretful child. Headache, migraine, antispasmodic.

Epipactis - Stream Orchid EPIPACTIS GIGANTEA (Stream Orchid, "Helleborine") WHOLE PLANT. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-90 drops. An equivalent to the far rarer Cypripedium. STATUS : W/LA


Nervous tachycardia. Insomnia in asthenic individuals or atonic, debilitated states. Neuralgia in convalescence, debility. Poison ivy/oak (externally and topically). Amenorrhea with depressions. Dysmenorrhea, in general. Menopause, with melancholia after hot flashes. Infant teething, in the otherwise nervous fretful child. Headache, migraine, antispasmodic.

Here is the link to the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Course

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